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“You know, from what Bentley told me, it sounds like there are going to be a few eligible men there this evening.”

Her mum grinned and looked out the window again. “Now, I really can’t wait to get there.”

~ ~ ~

Bentley smiled down at Alyssa when she rested her head against his shoulder and looked up at him. They were standing by one of the gazebos, looking out at all the people milling around. The chamber knew how to set up these events. Bentley didn’t particularly enjoy them, but he showed his face when necessary – and today had felt more than necessary.

“Your sister is a miracle worker.”

He had to laugh. “It looks that way, doesn’t it? I think I would’ve used the term evil genius, but whatever we call it, I’m grateful to her.” He drew Alyssa closer into his side. “I’m glad you came.”

“So am I. I was dreading it at first. I wasn’t sure it was a gamble worth taking.”

“I don’t mind admitting that I had my doubts,” said Bentley.

He smiled as he watched Willow walk arm in arm with Julia. So far, things were going well – far better than he’d hoped.

He’d been surprised that Julia knew who he was – knew that he was Ria’s son – when they landed.

Willow had insisted that she should come to the hangar with him to greet them. He owed her one big time. She’d stepped up and offered herself as Julia’s guide for the weekend.

She’d made Bentley cringe when she’d explained that she wanted to give him and Alyssa time together and that she wanted to get to know Julia. But it had worked. Willow usually slummed around in torn jeans and a leather jacket on the weekends. Bentley had almost choked when she’d met him at the hangar just before the plane landed. She looked more like a wealthy wine heiress than he’d ever seen her look before.

When he complimented her, she just made a face at him and told him that he owed her one. She was right. He did. More than one, as far as he was concerned.

Now, as he watched Willow lead Julia from one group of men to another, he didn’t miss the way men’s gazes followed them. He didn’t like men watching his sister that way, but he was glad that Julia was drawing so much attention. She seemed to thrive on it.

Alyssa groaned by his side when Willow and Julia finally reached Alvaro Martinez. Alvaro took Julia’s hand and kissed it in a grand old-fashioned gesture.

“Oh my God! You need to tell that man to stop it.”


“Because the poor thing doesn’t know what he’s letting himself in for. I told you what she’s like. I mean, I’m over themoon that she’s been so understanding – so sweet – about us. But don’t for one minute think that it’s put her off her game. She’s still on a mission to find herself a rich husband.”

He laughed. “How would you feel if I told you that Alvaro is on a mission to find himself a trophy wife?”

He held his breath when she turned wide eyes on him. He could only hope that he hadn’t messed up. Although, he hadn’t actually done anything – it was hardly his fault if a fellow wine grower found her mom attractive. But still…

“He is? Seriously?” She glanced back over at where Julia and Alvaro were now deep in conversation, their heads close together as Alvaro leaned in to say something with a wink, and Julia laughed.

A rush of relief swept over him when Alyssa grasped his forearm tight and said, “I’ll be absolutely over the moon if that works out!”

“You will?”

She laughed. “He sounds like he’s everything she’s looking for. By the looks of it,” she tipped her chin in their direction, “she might just be what he’s looking for, too. If that’s the case, then good luck to them.”

Bentley nodded. Just because Alvaro and Julia wanted something very different from a partner than he and Alyssa did, it didn’t make them wrong. Just different.

“I guess all we can do is keep our fingers crossed, then. And do you think I did the right thing by booking us all into the hotel for tonight?”

That had been Willow’s suggestion, and he’d thought it was a good one. Although he knew that Julia would be impressed bythe estate, Alyssa had told him that would be outweighed by the fact that it was his mom’s place.

“I do.” She laughed when Alvaro and her mom walked away arm in arm, and Willow turned and gave them the thumbs up. “Especially since Willow said that’s where the Argentines are staying too.”

Bentley had to laugh. His sister hadn’t told him that.

Chapter Twenty-Two
