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“And do you have any news you want to share with me?”

“News? What kind of news?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Bentley.”

“I’m not. I have no clue what you’re talking about. Fill me in?”

“Oh. I might be jumping the gun then. Hannah said that Alyssa’s mom’s in town.”

“She is.”

“I thought that might mean that you were going to ask me to be your best man soon.”

Bentley laughed. “I’m hoping I will. But I’m not there yet.”

“What’s the holdup?”

“No holdup. I’m just waiting for the right time.”

“That doesn’t sound like you, that sounds like an excuse.”

“No, really. It’s not an excuse … I … I suppose I’ve been waiting until we know for sure that Alyssa’s coming to stay here. She’s had these damn contracts hanging over her head. I respect that she doesn’t want to blow them off. But I just want to get her here to stay.”

“What are the contracts?”

“She has a couple of bids outstanding. Well, only one now. She’s supposed to get the answer on whether they want to go ahead on Wednesday.”

“And you’re just sitting back and waiting? That doesn’t sound like you.”

Bentley had to laugh. “It isn’t, not when it comes to the company – to my own business. But I can hardly go in and start expediting things to my liking in her business, can I?”

“Can’t you?”

Bentley chuckled. “I’ve thought about it, believe me, I have. But no. I wouldn’t do that to her. When she comes here and makes this her home, I need it to be in her own time on her own terms.”

“I can see that. A word to the wise, though?”

“What’s that?”

Jacob laughed. “If I were you, I’d pick out a ring while you’re waiting. You don’t want to go through the same kind of last-minute scramble that I did.”

Bentley laughed with him. Jacob had told him about the events leading up to his asking Becca to marry him.

“Now that’s a helpful pointer. I appreciate it. I’m taking her back to the city tomorrow night, ready for her meeting with Bayside Media on Wednesday.”

“Did you just say Bayside Media?”

“I did, why?”

“I’ve used them for PR campaigns in the past. They’re a good outfit. The CFO, Trent, is a good guy.”

Bentley drummed his fingers on the table. “A good guy as in good at his job, or a friend?”

“Both. Why?”

“Would you happen to have his number?”

Jacob chuckled. “I do, but you’ll have to tell me why you want it before I hand it over.”
