Page 11 of His Taken Bride

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She felt completely rested and wondered if she had slept on a cloud. Her eyes slowly parted then flicked open. She sat up in bed and then realized she was naked.


And she was no longer in the room she fled to after her spanking then had fallen asleep in.

The room she found herself in was huge. Gigantic. Clearly the main bedroom, and clearly where Parker was sleeping.

Shuffling her memory around, she remembered vaguely being scooped up from the bed and carried in arms that were powerful, strong, and confident.

She remembered moaning in her sleep, pouting when she was laid down again. She hadn’t been ready to give up the warmth of the body, the sure and steady heartbeat, the safe cocoon against a sculptured and muscular chest.

She had felt large and calloused hands shifting the straps of her dress off her shoulders then felt it shimmied down her hips and over her thighs and off her feet.

She hadn’t been wearing panties since Parker had divested her of them when he had taken her over his knee and spanked her.

He had told her she would be sleeping in his bed every night for the duration of the cruise, and he had held up his promise.

Her only reprieve was that he was nowhere in sight. She didn’t know why a feeling of disappointment that his side of the bed hadn’t been slept in rippled through her.

What was wrong with her? Wasn’t it bad enough that he had stripped her naked? Did she also want him to climb into the bed with her? She stifled an internal scream for losing her head when she said she wasn’t going to.

Wrapping the sheet around her body, she quickly escaped to the bathroom, noticing on her way there that her luggage sat on a chair. She hadn’t even thought to question its whereabouts before. Next to her bag was one of Parker’s. A black leather bag that looked very much like something doctors would use. She resisted the urge to look inside, to touch what was his.

She took a long shower and tried to solve all her problems at once but failed. There was no solution in sight for her. She had to endure the trip at least before she could work on phase two, while on land.

She wrapped herself up in a towel, opened her bag to find something to wear, and was met with nothing but thin summer dresses, shorts, and bathing suits.

At that moment she realized while she was well-rested, her hunger had capitulated into extreme territory. Since there wasn’t a fruit basket in the main bedroom she could binge on, she worked up the courage to leave the room and possibly have to come face to face with him. She contemplated starving but that didn’t last long.

She picked out a purple dress, and a pair of sandals put her hair into a ponytail, and then without a shred of makeup, she left the room. All her actions were fueled by her hunger and nothing more.

The main lounge area tapered off into a beautiful dining room and her breath caught in her throat when her gaze landed straight on Parker. She had honestly thought he was born in a suit because she couldn’t imagine him in anything else. But dressed in jeans and a T-shirt he ruined her completely yet again. And she hated that he had the power to turn her into a hot wet mess.

She glanced at the tattoos on his forearms, then lower to his hands. She just barely stopped herself from both flinching and moaning as she relived the spanking, he had given her with that hand.

The mafia also had tattoos.

But her true mistake was looking up at him only to discover his gaze sliding down her body, from her lips to her toes. Her pussy pulsed with an ache so voracious, she had to squeeze her thighs shut. Gosh, she needed to get a grip. Immediately. He was her enemy.

She abruptly shifted her attention to anywhere but him and couldn’t hide her surprise at seeing two other people in the suite. She’d been so consumed by him, that she hadn’t even noticed them. It was almost as if she had forgotten anyone, but Parker existed. He totally eclipsed her world, and she couldn’t stop it.

“You’re awake,” he said unnecessarily. Yes, she knew it was almost midday but then again, she had gone through possibly the most visceral, the most earth-shattering experience in all her life thanks to him, so basically it was his fault. In answer, she made a funny face at him then turned and smiled at the other two people.

“This is William, our butler, and Benny, our server.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Knight,” William, a distinguished elegantly dressed gentleman in his sixties, said and reached out to shake her hand. Everleigh couldn’t help the blush in her cheeks at being called Mrs. Knight and she didn’t know why. It wasn’t as if they had any idea that Parker had spanked her and made her come.

She smiled genuinely back at both William and Benny who was much closer in age to her, and he seemed to turn a little red whenever he looked at her.

She gasped in surprise when Parker closed the distance between them and slipped his arm around her waist. His fingers rested not inches from where he had reddened her ass with his hand which burned a little still. She tried to worm her way out of his grasp for no other reason than his nearness made her clean panties even wetter and her nipples pebble through her dress. He also messed with her breathing but there was no way out of his hold unless she made a scene.

Diverting her attention away from him again, she focused on William and Benny.

She liked them on sight. At least she had some friendly faces to look forward to seeing.

“If there’s anything, in particular, we can have prepared for you, please let us know. Our chef is Michelin star renowned, and we have only the best produce on board.”

“Thank you,” she said. It was only when William pulled out a chair for her that Parker released her.
