Page 89 of Wolf Outcasted

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I really did wish I could speed up time and just jump into Tuesday. Maybe I’d feel rejuvenated, well-rested, and like I could tackle all the bullshit I knew I’d have to confront the moment I left the comfort of wherever I was.

Frankly, I was going to safely assume I was at my place because I’d tried to stab someone during my restless night.

Probably Onyx. Poor guy. I always tried killing him when I was sick.

I simply wished this day would start and end, but alas, I wasn’t going to be that lucky. I’d have to face the music, even if I felt like shit doing it.

“If he’s not feeling up to it, we’ll have no choice but to delay,” Jayce emphasized.

“True, but with how things went last night, it’s only a matter of time before news spreads that the Forbidden visited McClair,” Saint voiced. “The Vatican surely knows.”

“How the fuck does the Vatican know?” Jayce huffed in annoyance. “How many spies do they have on us?”

“Plenty,” Saint replied, and he didn’t sound too happy about it. “They’re shitting their white boxers right now.”

“Trembling that you’re going to ditch them entirely?” Jayce offered.

“That and they’re frightened of Willow.”

“Huh?” That caught Jayce off guard. “Why? She hasn’t even bothered them.”

“They noticed my bond mark when I went for that brief ‘visit’,” Saint revealed. “They’re not very happy.”

“When are they ever happy when you’re happy?” Jayce tossed back.

“Apparently the last time I was so happy I almost summoned the Four Horseman,” Saint reasoned. “Guess they’re trying to avoid that.”

“Or they just love when you’re suffering.”

“The more pain I’m in, the more they believe I’ll come scrambling back to them,” Saint admitted.

Jayce tsked. “Right. Scramble back to the very organization that manipulated your mate, bribed her with money and security, and made her into a sex nun who wanted you to rely on them like they’re deserving of you. They’re the ones desperate for your power.”

“Which has apparently gotten stronger.” Saint sounded shocked.

“Wait, really?” Jayce seemed just as astonished. “Is that possible? Normally you have to be worshipped and stuff, right?”

“Right,” Saint agreed. “But as of late, my dark side has been taking control more often. Enough that I may have to give him a name or title. He’s Evil Saint for now, but his frequent appearance is technically not a good sign.”

“Why?” Jayce was curious, and though I felt like shit, I was too.

“Usually it means a big shift is about to happen. Not in my life, but in the world. Gears are turning, changes are approaching, and he comes out when the energy riles him up. Though, with the new bond and Willa’s recent appearance, I think he has a bit of a crush on both sides of Willow. It’s hard for me to explain honestly.”

“Nah, I get it,” Jayce assured him. “Can’t deny that something is brewing through the pack and well, I guess we’ve all been kinda gravitating to Willow. I know us four already had an interest in her with Onyx being madly in love, but didn’t you notice that Milo’s energy is really yearning for her?”

“I did notice that,” Saint agreed. “He’s not used to being in a pack bond. His energy flaunts recklessly like Onyx. Though, Onyx has gotten a whole lot better.”

“Indeed,” Jayce commented. “Where are they actually? And where is Loki? He was here two hours ago, right? Before Dimitris came in to check on Willow.”

“Viktor is on car duty. Milo is with Loki and Onyx on guard duty until we’re ready to initiate the plan. Neo is doing rounds at Forbidden Enterprise, making sure security is top-notch and also having a second glance at the new security system you installed. He’s also making sure the right press is crowding around. You know how our plans accelerate with the press around.”

“That’s true.” Jayce chuckled. “The Willtris fan club is gonna be there.”

“The who?” Saint questioned.

“William and Dimitris’s fan club.”

“Fuck. They have a full-on fan club now?” Saint whined. “How are we gonna compete with that?"
