Page 17 of Stranded

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Chapter Eleven


Making a split-second decision, I darted between Adreax and Herod, leaping over the crates they had dropped on the floor, and headed for the cockpit, hoping I could hail the incoming ships and ask for help.

“You’re going to regret that,” Adreax howled, and it felt like he was breathing right down my neck. Even with the element of surprise and a head start, I barely hung onto my lead. His limited English quickly devolved into a series of harsh utterances in some other language.

I just had to make it to the doorway. Just a few more feet. I gripped the edges of the hatch and propelled myself through, spinning and barely keeping my balance as I pushed the heavy door closed behind me. I should’ve known better. The hatch was only halfway closed when Adreax’s strong arm burst through the gap and slammed it back open, knocking me aside as he barreled through. Seconds later, Herod came hurtling in, too, and I slid down the wall, cowering under their furious glares.

“We don’t have time for games,” Adreax growled, his mouth turning down, his fangs making him look even more menacing.

“Alec!” I screamed, hoping he would come to my rescue, but even as his name left my mouth, I saw the amused twitch of Adreax’s eyebrow.

“Yes, Alec, why don’t you come over here and sit with your friend?” he said, flicking his gaze to the corner of the tight cabin.

I turned my head. Alec had been there all along, stunned by my sudden arrival and that of my pursuers. He looked at me for guidance, but I was no help. We were stuck, and all we could do now was hope that those Patrol ships were on their way to help us.

Stall, my mind screamed. Find a way to stall.

“Okay,” I finally said, my voice shaking more than I would have liked. “Okay, we’ll help you.”

Herod gave me another derisive snort and a deadpan look. “Of course you will help us. You are out of options.”

Adreax was too busy looking over his shoulder at the approaching fleet to waste another second mocking me. Between his legs I could see a sliver of light from outside and the first ships coming into view. They would be here in minutes if I could just hang on.

“Come,” Adreax said suddenly, whirling around and grabbing me by the wrist, hoisting me off my haunches and forcing me into a speed walk beside him.

“Where are you taking me?” I demanded, wrestling with him as he dragged me away.

“To retrieve our cargo. But since I can’t trust you, you’re just going to have to come along.”

I heard a terrified squawk behind me, and when I hazarded a look, I saw Herod had Alec by the arm as well, only he was being much rougher with his catch than Adreax was being with me. I supposed I should be grateful for that, at least.

Adreax pushed me down the hall until he reached a small, mobile lab set up in the main part of the ship. Without a moment of hesitation, he scooped all the gear up off the table, turned, and headed for the door. He didn’t speak any more, not even to admonish me for slowing him down. He tossed all of my things unceremoniously into the dirt and picked up one of his crates, hauling it back to the lab. When the first box was secured, he immediately returned to grab the second one. Herod and Alec also made two trips, but even with the boxes safely tucked away, Adreax paced angrily in the narrow space.

“We have to get the rest,” he said. “We don’t get paid unless the shipment is complete. This is barely half.”

He rubbed at his temple and strutted to the window, gauging the distance of the patrol ships. I could see the stress wearing him down, turning his good looks into more of a haggardly shadow. Still, from here I couldn’t help but admire his broad shoulders and the way his jawline flexed as he considered his options. I hated how much I was drawn to him.

“Tayla, get in there and start the engines,” he commanded sharply, and I bristled. They would not order me around on my ship.

I crossed my arms over my chest and set my jaw.

“I don’t think so.”

But the words fell short, because he was upon me. His hand gripped my throat, and he pushed me back against the wall, his body pressed against me, pinning me in place. I swallowed hard, trying to hold eye contact without flinching. His face came so close to mine I could see my reflection in his golden eyes, and he whispered into my ear.

“I’ve already warned you once, Tayla. If you are unwilling to help in this way, perhaps I should try a different tactic. If you choose not to cooperate, I will simply take you hostage instead, and when I am done with you, I will kill you. Or perhaps, I will sell you to a wealthy merchant on Kychek when we arrive.”

He eyed me up and down closely, running a hand down my body and around to my ass, squeezing hard enough I bit my lip to keep from crying out.

“I’m sure you would bring a pretty penny, since I’ll be losing money on my other cargo.”

He was so close. Closer than any man had been to me in a long, long time. And although it filled me with fiery rage, wishing I could lash out at him, some part of me also tingled with excitement at his closeness.

I had to focus. I had to survive, and I had to get Alec back home. That was what really mattered here.

“Get off of me,” I gritted out between my teeth. “I’ll start the ship if you’ll get out of the way.”
