Page 2 of Stranded

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“Take cover!”

There was a roar and a flash as the object broke through Orb 5’s atmosphere and careened toward us. Alec and I sprinted toward our own ship, the only protection available to us. But then the missile was gone. It flew past us and sailed toward the horizon, splitting the air with a screech, but never producing the telltale explosion that would signal an impact with the planet.

“What was that thing?” Alec huffed, staring wild-eyed into the dark.

“I don’t know. Maybe it was a meteor. It probably just burned up on its way down.”

Alec looked at me and frowned. “A meteor? Are you sure?”

“No,” I snapped, running my hands through my hair and pacing back and forth. “Of course I’m not sure. How could I be sure? It could’ve been anything.”

Deep down, I felt panic. A meteor made sense. But it wasn’t a meteor. We both got a good look at the falling object, and it looked more like a… ship. A ship belonging to who? And what was it doing here? More importantly, if it didn’t hit the ground in a fiery explosion, did that mean it… landed? It was coming in awfully hot.

“What do we do now?” Alec panted

“First, we radio back to the lab and make a report,” I decided. “Then, we look for weapons.”

When Alec gave me a curious look, I only shrugged.

“What? I don’t mean to be defenseless when our visitors arrive,” I explained, turning and heading straight for our shuttle and our comms equipment.

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