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An uncomfortable pressurein my lower extremities dragged me back to wakefulness. My whole body burned and ached, and I had only a vague memory of Re'Utu's power being torn out of me before being thrown from my feet. I couldn't muster the strength to open my eyes, but at least I knew I was still alive, and I conducted a quick mental inventory of my body.

I hurt, all over. But of all the pain points, the one in my left leg was the loudest. Cracking one eye open, I peered down toward my toes, only able to raise my head a fraction of an inch to see what was going on.

It was hard to discern exactly what I was looking at in the hazy darkness, but I could make out Anya kneeling over me, and I could hear the pained weeping that emanated from her.

"Wah... gup... tuh..." I tried to form words but it was impossible with my head swimming the way it was. My eyes fluttered, and I thought I might lose consciousness again, but I managed to hang on by a thread. For her. I needed to tell her I was okay.

I tried to wet my lips, only to realize that my tongue was thick and swollen. I couldn't speak at all.

Testing out my extremities, I wiggled my fingers a little, hoping to get her attention, but no luck. I tried my feet next, but they were so far away, they felt like another dimension. At last, I settled on doing the only thing that felt possible in the moment. I twisted my hips, rocking against her hand with the only thing I had at my disposal: my cock.

At first, I didn't think Anya had noticed at all, but then her head lifted and she stared at her hand in shock. Her eyes quickly went from my groin to my face, and then back again, before she leapt away with a startled yelp, eliciting a hiss of pain from me as she thoughtlessly yanked on the belt that was wrapped tightly around my thigh.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. Oh my gosh." She crawled back toward me, checking on the damage and getting herself back under control. Then she said, "You're alive." Her voice cracked with those two words and her face contorted as another wave of all-encompassing sobs wracked her.

I made a strangled grunting noise and poked my tongue out, trying to speak again. Between the blubbering and the fumbling, she managed to bring me a little bit of water and tipped it into my mouth.

"You're really alive."

"I think so," I forced out. "Help me up."

She shook her head vigorously. "No way! You nearly died! If you move, you'll reopen all the wounds I just patched up. You need to stay perfectly still."

I groaned impatiently, but looked past her to the front of the ship and out the shattered windows into the darkness.

"The storm?"

She shook her head again. "I don't know. I haven't looked. I came to and found you like this, and I just...started fixing." She gave a nervous laugh. "That was stupid. I should have gone and looked."

I nudged her again with my hips, giving her a soft smile when I saw her flush.

"It wasn't stupid. I am very grateful. But we should find out what's going on out there, all the same."

She moved her hand pointedly away from my groin and patted me on the knee. "You stay here. I'll go check."

I wanted to protest. I didn't want her going alone. But even thinking about sitting up made my head go swimmy again. I waited impatiently for her to return, focusing my energies on locating my wayward toes and wiggling them.

When Anya came trotting back to me, she wore an expression of alarmed puzzlement. I looked up at her expectantly, but she didn't speak for a minute. Instead, she looked back over her shoulder, as if double checking whatever she'd seen. I considered nudging my cock at her again to break her trance but settled for clearing my throat instead.

“Any chance Kiango mentioned a forest near Ke’Thal during your training sessions?”

“A forest? Why would he have mentioned a forest?”

"“I just don't recognize anything out there. It could be that it's too dark, and the ship obviously crashed at a weird angle, but I couldn't see the palace at all."

I thought about this for a few minutes, weighing all of the possibilities.

"Do you think the storm..." I didn't know how to finish that sentence. Destroyed everything? Transported us? What?

"I don't know," she said, saving me the trouble. "All I know is that for now, we're safe in here. When you've rested, maybe we can do some looking around. All right?"

I nodded weakly. I didn't know what other choice I had. My leg was still throbbing and oozing blood from the saturated bandages, and the rest of me felt like it had been crushed under a boulder. If rest was what the doctor ordered, that's what I'd be having.
