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With what littleI'd found in Kiango's room, I made my way back to the library. I stopped in the kitchen to fill a water jug and bring it along. When I reached the library door, I paused for a moment, setting down the bundle of blankets to unlatch the door. As I bent to pick up the bundle again and maneuver it through the doorway, something heavy struck me on the back of the head and I fell into the pillow with a muffled cry.

I tried to roll away, but a knee dug into my back, holding me down until I stopped kicking. I went still, afraid that if I hit the door, it might open and reveal Mihiri. I didn't have to turn over to know that my attacker wouldn't want witnesses, and she was in no condition to defend herself. For all our sakes', I closed my eyes and prayed to my own god to protect me. Re'Utu never would. I relaxed all my muscles and waited for the knee to be removed.

"Good girl," Imrys's voice came to me in a soft whisper. "It would be a shame to have to kill one of our most loyal servants."

I whimpered, biting my lip hard to keep from saying something I would later regret. He grabbed my arms and wrenched them backwards until I let out a small cry. Then he lifted his knee and wrapped a fist into my hair, pulling me upright.

I couldn't turn to look at him, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see that he was wearing his full armor. The dark grey scales let him blend into the walls in the dim light. No wonder he had been able to sneak up on me. Fighting to relieve the pressure at the nape of my neck, I scrambled to my feet.

He pressed himself against me, breathing straight into my ear and sending a shudder through my bones.

"You and me are going for a little walk," he growled.

With a shove, he got me moving, using my hair as a bridle to direct me.

"Why did you do all this?" I had to grit the words out between my teeth to keep from screaming. "What have you gained?"

He chuckled lightly. "Me? I've gained everything. First, I'm taking the throne. Then, I'm ridding Ke'Thal of all the half-breed scum. Kiango will be scrubbing floors right alongside you like he should have been all along." He laughed to himself before speaking again. "I'm sure you would have liked to exact your own revenge on him for what he did to you, but I hope you can appreciate what I have to offer."

I stiffened in his grip as his fingers curled even tighter against the nape of my neck, forcing me to draw in a steadying breath. I didn't speak as he directed me away from the kitchens and down toward the sanctuary. I felt helpless in his hands. Part of me was simply relieved that we were moving away from Kiango and Ember. Part of me was afraid that if we got to the blocked tunnel and he realized he couldn't reach the throne, he might kill me.

"The tunnel's impassable," I said slowly.

Imrys scoffed and shook my head gruffly. "Yeah, right. You think I'm going to let you stop me from getting to that throne?"

I did my best to feign nonchalance. "Your storm caused a collapse. There's another way in. I think you already know it."

His steps slowed and I could practically hear him thinking behind me. Everyone knew Imrys came and went from Trydan's quarters by hidden means, but this was perhaps the first time he realized that he had not been nearly as secretive as he believed all those times.

"You're sure the tunnel's no good?" he asked.

I nodded as best I could. "Blocked solid. It'll take weeks to haul the debris away. But don't worry, half the palace is already down there waiting. Not for you, of course. I think they believe Trydan is still coming back to save them."

My words struck a nerve and Imrys gave a gleeful cry. "That fool? He'll never come back for them. He never had the heart to do what truly needed to be done. That's why it was so easy to use him for my own purposes. Come on."

Abruptly changing directions, he shoved me forward again and we began the long walk to the sanctuary. As we came upon the kitchen, Imrys's footsteps slowed, and I could sense his hesitation. But he must have rallied his courage, because a moment later he was wielding me like a shield and pushing his way through the crowd of servants and kitchen staff to the back door.

"Step aside," he ordered.

The room fell deathly silent, and my companions shrank away as recognition dawned on their faces.

"That's right," he coaxed. "Get back, or you'll be next."

I could do nothing but look straight ahead with eyes wide as he thrust me at them and then yanked me back like some kind of rag doll.

When the way was clear, he marched me through the field and straight to the iron door in the ground. There was another moment of hesitation as he navigated how to get me down the stairs without losing his grip, but soon he had that worked out, too.

All along the hall, he growled and hissed at anyone who dared to pass, herding them back into the sanctuary ahead of us and pulling the door closed behind us. I was thankful he was unwilling to let go of me long enough to secure the bar, although I doubted anyone would be coming to our rescue. For now, he had us hostage.

As he pushed me out into the sanctuary, a hush fell over the room and I felt all eyes on me. There was a timid gasp, quickly stifled, when Imrys's full armored form came into view over my shoulder. But it was Tatyanna's face that stood out among the crowd. In an instant, her face went pale.

Imrys wasted no time going to the throne, staring the onlookers down as he lowered himself into the seat with a flourish. When he was settled, he released me, pushing me away so that I stumbled and fell to the ground on the dais.

For the first time since he had struck me in the head, I was able to turn and look at him directly. When I did, my jaw dropped open with shock. Even through his heavy scaled armor, it was plain to see that he had been maimed. It was a wonder he had managed to crawl his way back here at all.
