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Time felt funny.One second, I was down in the sanctuary, shaking and terrified. The next, I was up in Kiango's chambers, laying on a plain mattress and staring up at the ceiling.

I lifted my head and hissed with pain. My neck burned. I closed my eyes, as the memory of Imrys's hand wrapped around my throat seared through me.

My hand ached, and I lifted it high so I could look at it, discovering the bandage wrapped haphazardly around my whole palm. I groaned at the sight of it and let it fall back to my side.

"Sorry about that," a soft voice came to me from across the room. I tried to look, but couldn't move without pain, so I just laid very still and listened to Silas's approaching steps as he came to sit beside me on the bed. "I'm no medic."

I grunted my agreement but offered him a smile.

"How long?" I asked, licking my lips to get the cottony taste out of my mouth.

"You've been out for a day. You needed the rest."


Silas squeezed my good hand and swallowed. "He's gone."

"And Kiango?"

"He'll be okay," he assured me, smiling warmly down at me and leaning down to give me a soft kiss. "You worry too much. Right now, you don't need to think about anything but yourself. When you're better, you can go right back to bossing me around and fretting over everyone else. I promise."

I snorted and rolled my eyes at him. "I'm not bossy," I protested, grimacing as I was forced to swallow and my throat ached.

"I know. Not bossy, just willful."

I wanted to swat him, but he gave me such a wide smile, I had no choice but to forgive him. It had been so long since I'd seen that cocky, boyish grin on his face, and I’d missed it. My next words caught in my throat, a question that demanded an answer. When I couldn't bring myself to say it, I looked out the window instead.

"You came back," I muttered.

"Of course. You thought otherwise?" His eyes caught mine and then flitted away to the ground, his cheeks flushing red and a sadness coming over him at once.

"I didn't know what to think. I only hoped..."

He gave me a sad smile. "I shouldn't have taken out my anger on you. I was foolish. And when I was out there, in the wilderness, I came to realize how much you have done to protect me. Even when it could have meant death, you protected me."

I sighed. "I couldn't let you do something stupid after all the time Kiango spent training you."

To my relief, Silas chuckled mildly and adjusted himself on the bed, drawing his legs up to lay beside me. Despite the fact that I could barely move, he managed to curl his body around mine protectively, pressing his forehead into my temple and kissing my cheek over and over. One of his arms draped across my midsection, tucking me against him and wrapping me in his heat. He nuzzled against me, and I felt my body relaxing under his touch.

I was just about to drop off into sleep again when there was a knock at the door.

The door creaked open, and Ember and Tatyanna pushed into the room, looking tired but otherwise healthy.

"Sorry," Ember said, although she was smiling broadly and didn't look sorry at all. She bustled forward, with pillows and blankets piled in her arms, setting them on the bed beside us. Behind her, Tatyanna brought in a tray with food and drinks, setting it on the table before returning to assist Ember with making the bed.

I was about to tell them to leave the bedding where it was and let me deal with it, when Silas scooped me up like a rag doll and lifting me off the bed. With marvelous speed, Ember and Tatyanna pulled the sheets into place and fluffed a couple of pillows before Silas lowered me back down. Then, he stood back as the two women placed a heavy comforter over me and brought it up to my chin.

"We'll leave you two alone, now," Ember said with a wink and a smile.

"But where will you sleep?" I called after her, feeling shamefully awkward about being caught with Silas in her and Kiango's bed.

She shrugged and shot back, "I don't know. I think the High Priest's rooms will do."

With a wave of her fingers, she let herself out of the room behind Tatyanna and pulled the door closed behind her. I looked at Silas in confusion.

"Trydan's room?"

He shook his head. "No. It's Kiango's now."

Understanding dawned on me like a flash of lightning and I was filled with an uplifting burst of pride and relief. Satisfied to know that the worst of it was over, I nuzzled back into the pillows until I was comfortable.

There was a long silence, and then I said, "Are you going to join me or not?"
