Page 36 of Captured

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“Hello? Tayla? This is Cosma. Can you hear me?”

There was only a brief silence before I heard the crackle of a radio on the other end, and then Tayla’s voice came through loud and clear.

“Cosma! Yes! We’ve been so worried about you. Herod said you were out here, and we came as fast as we could, but by the time we reached this quadrant there had been some kind of explosion and we didn’t know what to do.”

“Sorry about all that,” I said with a short laugh. “We weren’t expecting an explosion either.”

“We?” She asked, cutting me off, and I realized I’d walked straight into my own trap. “Who is with you, Cosma? Are you safe?”

“Oh. Yes, I’m safe. That’s actually what I came to tell you. I… met someone. He’s a proper hero, like Adreax, and… I love him.” There was a longer silence this time, and I wondered what Tayla was thinking, but she did not make a sound. “Tayla, I’m going to stay here with Malik. I’m safe and things are good here. But I’m not done helping you with your mission. I’ve learned so much since I’ve been here with the Vaclan Brotherhood. They know things. Things about the Sovann’ash. Things about the tech. They know all of it.”

“The who?”

“Oh, my gosh. See? The Sovann’ash! We’ve been calling them the Patrol all this time, but they have a name. And the Vaclan Brotherhood, these guys, they’ve been fighting the Sovann’ash since before you and I even knew they existed. They know all the secrets. With their help, we could really help many people. We can work together!”

Even as I said the words, I feared I might be wrong. I feared Tayla would not need my help any longer, or that she might not approve of Malik if she met him. The whole thing filled me with uneasiness, but I was not ready to give up on Tayla after all she’d done for me. I meant to be there for her in whatever way I could.

“Um… can we meet them?” she asked, and I could hear the trepidation in her voice. Or maybe it was disappointment. Was she hurt that I wasn’t coming back with her? I couldn’t be sure.

“I’m still working on that. These guys are very secretive. You have to understand, they’ve lost almost everything. They don’t take chances with just anybody. But as soon as I get Malik onboard, we’ll set up a meeting, okay? I’m certain I can get him to agree, for me.”

“We should arrange a meeting, the four of us. If you’re sure and Adreax approves, I’m all in. You know I won’t turn down any help we can get. But Cosma…”


“If you ever change your mind, call me. I’ll be there in a heartbeat to spring you out of there or kick somebody’s ass.”

I smiled to myself, thankful to have her friendship, despite how little time we actually spent together. Still, a girl needed someone to count on out here, and Tayla was the most reliable person I knew.

“Will do. Stay safe, Tayla.”

“You too.”

The radio returned to static, and I pulled the headset off, sitting for a moment longer as the buzz of warmth filled my chest. Home. I was finally home. For the first time in my life, I had someone to welcome me back. Someone who would be glad to see me. I’d felt nothing so uplifting in all my life.

Spurred on by that buzzing sensation, I left the radio room and hurried back toward Malik’s room with one purpose. I pulled the door open and launched myself into his arms, kissing him deeply and intensely, both hands holding his face so I could savor the moment.


I jolted, spinning abruptly and noticing for the first time that someone else was in the room. Torgus sat on the bed, an amused smirk on his lips as he eyed the two of us.

“It’s worse than I thought, then,” he said wryly.

“I-I didn’t know you were here,” I sputtered, my cheeks flashing red in an instant.

“I suppose I was just heading out. There’s work to be done, after all. Perhaps when the two of you are done, you can come help me out with that new intel that just came in about the Sovann’ash. No rush.”

When I looked up at Malik, his eyes were bright with excitement, and not just because of what I had promised upon my return. No, I could feel the tension in his muscles, the need to chase after the next battle with the Sovann’ash. He was ready to go back out there, and I needed to be ready, too.

“We’d be happy to help,” I said, giving Torgus my best smile and flattening myself against Malik in the tight space so his brother could slip out.

As soon as he shut the door between us, I whirled and smacked a hand against Malik’s chest. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

He arched a brow at me. “When did I have time? You practically threw yourself at me tongue first.” He was chuckling now, but he did not seem perturbed or the least bit embarrassed. Instead, he turned me back around and brought me to the bed. “I believe there was something you wanted to show me…”

I laughed, my embarrassment forgotten, as I went for the buttons of his pants. A moment later, his cock was freed and I could already see the tiny bead of pre-cum gathered on the tip, glistening and beckoning me to him. I leaned over, shimmying out of my pants and panties, and letting my tongue lap up the tiny droplet. Then, I was climbing over him, straddling his hips with my own and letting the moist tip of his cock slide teasingly between my folds until I felt him nestled against my entrance.


His hand went to my hip, steadying me before he added the slightest bit of pressure, lowering me onto him. My body was so ready for him, I took him easily into me, settling my ass against his thighs and grinding slowly as I leaned forward to finish our interrupted kiss. He kept me there a long time, teasing me with his split tongues while our hips slid back and forth in a slow, steady rhythm that elicited sighs and moans from me, coaxing me closer and closer to orgasm with gentle persistence.

When I finally felt my climax break over me, it sent shudders down my spine. I tried to grind harder, eager to draw it out, but Malik kept his hand firmly in place, slowing me and refusing to give in so I experienced the whole thing unfolding as a slow torture that came over my body from head to toe, leaving me breathless and exhausted.

With two more firm thrusts, he drove into me, filling me with his seed and pressing his mouth into the soft flesh of my neck to quiet his noises while his hand clutched at me, holding me against him.

As the last of our orgasms faded, he kissed me lightly along my neck again and whispered in my ear. “You are mine, Cosma. Forever and always.”

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