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I caught the hesitation, but didn’t comment on it. “Those are pretty standard,” I said, “but you left out the big one. No falling in love.”

Kenzie traced my lips. “Don’t think either one of us has control over that. A fact I’m counting on.”

“Final rule,” I said wryly. “Be less up front about your master plan to ensnare me for good.”

She giggled. “I can do that. So what about training? When do we start? What kind of things will we do?”

Eagerness laced her tone, filling me with an emotion of a different type. Liam told me about the time he subtly offered to let her interrogate the valet that nearly got her and Tricky killed. She couldn’t get out of his apartment fast enough. Now she’s chasing the cold, merciless life we’ve been living without a pause.

I said I always wanted us to talk. Do it now before this goes further.

“What kind of things do you want to do?” I asked carefully. “How far are you willing to go?”

“As far as it takes.”

“Is it revenge you want? You can’t take your rage out on Luca now that he’s dead, so the Brotherhood is the next best target.”

Calmly, she shook her head, moving against me. “This isn’t about rage or revenge. I realized something today. The Brotherhood used me to lure you guys into a trap, and it almost worked. They could be thinking all they have to do is try again and get it right next time, and where does that leave me, Bane?

“Hiding away in the Fairfield forever? Only stepping foot outside with a Merchant escort? That’s not a life for me, Sienna, or Laurel.”

“It’d only be until we find and stop the Brotherhood,” I protested.

“How long will that take? The only thing you guys can agree on is that the leader could be one of a thousand people. We don’t have a way to narrow the list yet. Besides, I don’t want to wait until you stop them, I want to help. Help find Vito. Help stop the attacks. Help River find those missing kids.”

She didn’t need to explain the last part. I knew what Luca did to those other children. The death Sunny gave him was too quick.

“What’s that look, Bane?” Kenzie smoothed the line between my brows. “You said you would teach me. You said it before all of this started.”

“I will teach you. I’d never deny anyone the right to protect themselves. More than anyone, I want you to feel safe.”

She relaxed. “Okay, good. Then what’s wrong?”

“Motivation is everything, Kenzie. What we’re going to do will blow leagues past your limits.”

“My limits never kept me safe. They never protected Laurel. It’s time to leave them behind.”

I nodded. “Then, we start tomorrow. We—”

The door banged open. “Yo, Bane,” Sunny shouted. “Is Kenzie still here? Laurel... is...”

We sprang up, trying and failing to cover ourselves. I tipped off the couch seizing a pillow as Sunny stopped dead on the carpet.

“Sunny, I— I was just—”

“Fucking,” he completed. “Or were you going to tell me you were helping Mommy scratch her back like the time I walked in on my parents?”

Kenzie’s jaw froze hanging open.

Sole laughed, making my heart attack complete. “Easy, sweet lips. It’s my fault for not knocking. I hadn’t realized you guys progressed this far in the relationship.”

“We haven’t,” I said quickly. “I mean, I’m sorry. I should’ve spoken to you before anything happened. Made sure you were cool.”

He shrugged. “I’m cool. Just came up to say Laurel’s up from her nap and Tricky’s claiming her time.” Sunny backed toward the door. “Liam’s taking her down to the pool and she’s asking if Laurel can come.”

“Not without me,” Kenzie confirmed. “I’ll come down and get her ready in a minute. Thanks, Sunny.” Part of me sensed she wasn’t just thanking him for playing messenger.

“No prob—” He halted. “Wait, what’s this? What the hell is this?”

“What?” I stuck my head over the couch. At Sunny’s feet was a piece of my jacket’s remains. “It’s leather. What’s the problem?”

“This is.” Crouching, Sunny pinched the strip, turning it for us to see. “But this is not.”

My eyes widened, then hardened. “Holy shit. What the fuck is that?”

“A microchip,” Kenzie whispered. “Oh my gosh, it’s a bug. It’s a—”

Sunny put a finger to his lips, shaking his head sharply. “Get dressed and meet me downstairs. I have a fuck ugly feeling.”


Fuck ugly wasn’t the description for the feeling that gripped me an hour later as Sunny, Bane, Liam, Sienna, Fuller, Shonda, and I gathered around the pile. Fifty-four little chips, and beside them, the tattered remains of Sunny’s wardrobe.

I flinched as he tore a seam through the last jacket. He pried off the hollow metal cap of the pocket’s snap. Beneath it was another device.

“That settles it,” Fuller said, cheeks pale. “Those things are only in the clothes we’ve ordered from Caddell House.”
