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“No,” I whispered.

“It’s too early to say if someone or someones were in the apartment at the time of the explosion.”

Flames engulfed the tavern, sending acrid smoke billowing into the sky—a beacon for all to see. My feet moved on their own power, carrying me to the window. There in the distance... was that beacon.

“If someone was inside,” the reporter went on, “all we can say is God have mercy on their soul.”

I STARED AT MY PHONE, willing it to buzz, ring, do something!

Sunny took it from me and placed Laurel on my lap. The baby looked at me curiously like she sensed I was sad and wanted to know why. I held her close, murmuring comforting words I didn’t feel.

“That’s not Genny,” Liam said. He, Bane, and Sole returned to the Fairfield at my call. Where else would they go? They drove all over Harlow and went to Barbarella’s. There was no sign of her. Bugsy said they hadn’t seen or heard from her in hours. The Cardinals fled the bar, picking up the search when the guys headed back. They were worried. How did I convince myself not to be?

“It’s not her,” Liam repeated, flipping through news channels. The bombing in Harlow played on every one.

Cameras focused on attractive, well-dressed reporters, but the scene behind them was all we cared about. Firefighters hosed the remains down while cops swarmed the street and maintained the barricade. That’s why we weren’t there. We had no chance of getting close, and also because we refused to believe there was a grim truth waiting for us if we did.

“They can’t have rallied that fast,” Liam said. “We killed their assassin bomber and a number of their men. Recovering and rigging Genny’s new place that quickly isn’t possible. Especially when she would’ve taken precautions against that very thing. It’s not her.”

I’d never seen him like this. Agitated. Rumpled. Talking fast. Pacing. His reassurances aren’t for us. They’re for him.

“We know you’re right, man,” Sunny said. “Our sister? Taken out like this? Nah. Genny’s going out on the back of a flaming bike, blasting two shotguns as she soars off a cliff. Dying like this is beneath her. She’d never allow it.”

Sighing, I buried my face in Laurel’s curls, wishing she wasn’t picking up on the energy in the room. “Why isn’t she answering the phone?” I rasped. “Genny does her own thing, but she wouldn’t mess around, knocking back beers and laughing, while we’re blowing her up because we think she’s gone.”

I gazed at each in turn. I saw on their face they wanted to argue with me, but couldn’t. They knew Genny wouldn’t put us through this hell for fun. Something was stopping her from sending a reply.

“We have to go out there,” I said. “We have to know for sure.”

“We can’t get near the place until they put out the fire and the cops clear out,” Bane said. “But by then, they’ll announce... if they’ve found a body.”

A heavy silence blanketed the room.

“No,” Sienna said, dragging my attention up. “She’s not dead. She can’t be. My visions have been murky since our lives entwined with yours, but I have to believe I would’ve seen if such a dark, violent death was waiting on Genny’s horizon. There’s a reason why she hasn’t responded, and she’ll tell us when she swaggers into the Fairfield, looking amazing even with a cast and sling. Understand?”

Bane, Liam, Sunny, and I just gave her blank looks.

“Genny is fine,” Sienna repeated, “but we do need to find her and tell her about these trackers before she does lead the Brotherhood somewhere she’s vulnerable. The same goes for you, guys.” Sienna dropped on the couch, bringing Sunny with her. “You said the trackers had to be put back so the Brotherhood doesn’t get suspicious. There has to be a part two of the plan. What is it?”


“Please,” she pushed, squeezing his arm. “We all agree we can’t do anything until Genny calls or the fire is put out. If we have to stew in this hell, at least let us plan their downfall while we do it.”

Something sharp and acrid leached into my veins. “That sounds like a good way to spend our time,” I hissed. “What will we do, Sunny? They can’t know we found the trackers, but we also can’t let them continue tracking you guys while we’re going after them.”

Sunny forced himself to look away from the screen. “They— They can’t know we found the trackers before we find the person sewing them in. The sooner we do that, the sooner we’re another step closer to taking down the Brotherhood. I have an idea but there’s only one way to pull it off—”

“Sole, listen!” Liam barked. The television volume increased to deafening levels, drowning Sunny out. I carried Laurel a distance from the noise.
