Page 1 of A Winter Wish

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‘It’s going to be scorching hot andsoromantic!’ Lois grins at me from the passenger seat. ‘Just picture the scene, Clara. Rory and me on horseback, galloping across the moor... me nudging in front, of course, and proving that women can do anything... then we dismount and tumble into the heather in a passionate clinch that climaxes in the photo-finish to end all photo-finishes.’

I grunt, as we drive past a line of trees in striking autumnal shades. ‘You’ve been watching too muchBridgerton.’

It’s the second Monday in October, and Lois and I are on our way to the local stables, which is a mere five miles away. But she won’t stop burbling on about how wonderful her life is now that she’s shagging Rory and how she’s planning a surprise for him, which is turning this short trip into a journey without end– like one of those epic grand tours through Europe that rich people used to make to look at paintings several centuries ago.

My knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel.

Lois gives a loud, contented sigh. ‘So he was being the gentleman and saying he thought we should take it slowly. And I love him for that, Clara. I really do. Let’s face it, a lot of guys just want to get in your knickers as soon as they can. A quickie in the toilets in between the stuffed potato skins and the pasta puttanesca. But Rory... he’s different.Respectful.’

My insides shift uneasily. I’m not liking where this conversation appears to be heading– not at all– but thankfully, the sign for the stables is up ahead and I’m now signalling left and turning in.

‘So I said to myself,stuff taking it slowly for a game of soldiers.And I invited myself over to his flat and cooked him aspecial meal.’ She lifts an eyebrow that speaks a million words, most of them smutty. ‘And, well... all I will say is that the chocolate mousse was truly delicious and ended up in places you’d never imagine in a million years that you’d–’

‘Yes, thank you, Lois,’ I snap in a panic. ‘Far too much information.’ This is awful, having to act all neutral and pretend that Rory is nothing at all to me except Lois’s boyfriend... when actually, it couldn’t be further from the truth.

I draw the line at listening to details of their love life. I have to be able to look Rory in the eye when he’s coming out of the bathroom in the morning, having spent the night with Lois!

She laughs. ‘Oh, you’re such a prude, Clara Dimwit! But don’t worry, dear step-sister. I’ll leave out the part about how I found some squirty cream at the back of the fridge and put it to very good use by–’

Enough is enough.

I stamp hard on the accelerator and hurtle Birdie, my poor outraged car, along the rough track towards the farmhouse, like I’m in training to be a bank robber’s getaway driver.

Lois stares ahead, gripping the sides of her seat, eyes wide with shock. But at least she shuts up.

I park in the yard and we get out. A woman in jodhpurs is leading a handsome chestnut horse from the stables, and as the animal passes us, it shakes its mane and gives a loud snort– and Lois leaps away in horror.

‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ I ask her doubtfully, as we make our way across the cobbled yard to the reception building.

‘Of course I do.’ She flicks back her long blonde hair, looking indignant.

‘It’s just I remember you saying once that you thought horses were the spawn of Satan?’

‘When did I say that? I never said that.’

‘Okay. So you don’t mind horses?’

‘What’sthatgot to do with anything?’

‘Well, it probably helps if you–’

‘Listen, I’m certain actuallylikingthe hideous beasts isn’t a condition of learning to ride them.’

‘I know, but you shouldn’t force yourself to do something you don’t really want to do. I’m sure Rory won’t love you any less if you don’t share in his favourite pastime.’

‘Well, I know that!’ Lois peers at me crossly. ‘What are you trying to do? Sabotage my relationship?’

‘No!’ I yelp, much too quickly. ‘I mean, no, of course not.’

‘Okay, well, help me here. Rory’s dream is to move to some godforsaken wilderness in the depths of the yawningly tedious countryside. And that’s definitely not happening. Not if he’s withme, at any rate. Of course I haven’t toldhimthat. I need to be more subtle about it.’

‘You?’ I bark out a laugh. ‘Subtle?’

‘Yes! I can do subtle. I just need to convince Rory that once he’s finished his training, he can be a rich and successful solicitor in Londonandgo horse-riding in the country with me at weekends. We don’t actually have to decamp to the wilds andlivethere.’ She shudders at the thought.

‘Yes, because the wilds of Surrey arereallywild.’ I shake my head in amusement.
