Page 76 of A Winter Wish

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He grins. ‘I’ve seen worse.’ Gently, with his thumb, he wipes away moisture from under my eye. ‘You okay now?’

‘Yes, apart from the panda eyes.’

‘I hadn’t noticed.’

I laugh, about to reply. But then something happens. Our eyes catch and hold, and time seems to stand still.

The rest of the world disappears.

There’s just us, standing in a grubby bus shelter. And I glimpse a yearning in Rory’s eyes that’s a mirror image of my own deep, deep longing for him.

‘Oh, Clara,’ he groans. ‘Panda eyes or not, you’re so beautiful. Why did it take me so long to realise it?’ He pulls me against him and my deep hunger for him takes over, blocking out all other thoughts and feelings, as he crushes me against his powerful body, and kisses me so deeply, that when we finally draw apart, we’re both breathless and amazed...

‘Rory, we can’t,’ I manage to gasp, although I’m unable to move away from the circle of his arms.

He gives a heavy sigh, nodding. ‘I know. Lois...’

‘Yes. But it’s not only her. It’s much more complicated than that.’

He draws away so he can look into my eyes. ‘What do you mean?’ he asks softly.

I close my eyes for a second, feeling full of anguish at the impossible position we’re in. ‘Pru over the road has been threatening to report Irene to social services. She thinks Bertie is at risk. But Irene’s really trying and for once, we’re actually pulling together as a family.’

‘So social services will find nothing amiss.’

I sigh. ‘Yes, but what would happen if Lois found out that you and I had... kissed? She’d be absolutely devastated if she learned I have feelings for you, and I’ve acted on them. It would be such a horrible betrayal. Her ex and her stepsister!’

My heart is breaking but I need to stay strong and make him realise that our kiss– however passionate– can never be repeated.

‘We can’t do this, Rory. However much I might really want to. Pru’s threat is still hanging over us, so we need to prove to her that we’re a solid family unit. But if Lois was to scent even a hint of betrayal, she’d go nuts. You know she would. And she’d have every right to. It would split our family apart and God knows what would happen to Bertie.’

He nods sadly, acknowledging the harsh reality of our situation.

I gaze up at him. ‘You do understand, don’t you? We need to be okay, as a family. Otherwise, Bertie might be taken away from us.’

He draws me closer and murmurs into my hair, ‘I understand. Of course I do. But does that mean I’ll never see you? What about New York?’

I close my eyes in despair. I need Rory there with me. I don’t think I have the courage to go alone.

‘We could still go, as friends,’ he murmurs.

I nod eagerly, pulling away to look into his eyes, feeling he’s given us a second chance.

‘I mean wearefriends, Clara. We’ve been friends for a long time.’ He gives a wry smile. ‘And that’s not going to change just because we’ve discovered we have rather– um– inconvenient feelings for each other.’ He’s gazing down at me, and the emotion in his dark eyes is warming me from the tips of my toes to the blushing roses in my cheeks.

I utterly adore this man.

I want so badly to fling myself at him and kiss him again. But I mustn’t, so I clear my throat and murmur, ‘Lois knows how much I want to find Freda for Gran. I told her and Irene all about it. Lois is fine with you coming with me to New York, for the support.’

We stand there, his arms loosely around me, gazing at each other, apparently unable to stop smiling.

‘So... we’re going to New York?’ he asks at last, the doubt in his voice telling me he’s still not certain, with all the obstacles in our way, that I’m going to say yes.

A burst of happiness surges up inside me. And just for a moment, I allow myself to feel the overwhelming joy of knowing we’ll be going on this adventure together, Rory and I. It will be as friends, of course, but just to spend time with him is all I need, for now.

Nodding, I smile at him, as the snow starts to fall around us. ‘We’re going to New York.’
