Page 5 of Covering Her Six

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“Night, Mom.” I kiss her cheek. “See you in the morning.”

I wait for her to disappear down the hallway and then quietly pad my way to the guest room next door to my childhood bedroom, which has since been converted into a more grown up space. Aiden’s slipping his shirt over his head when I close the door behind me. He turns and gives me a grin. “You shouldn’t be here, Miss Jones.”

“I’m sorry,” I laugh. “If I had known Dad would put us in separate bedrooms, I would have insisted we stay at a hotel instead.”

“It’s fine,” he chuckles. “I don’t want to disrespect your dad’s rules, even if I’m not the biggest fan of not having you next to me.”

I lean into his chest. “Did he interrogate you when you went to pick up dinner?” I ask. I’ve been dying to know what they spoke about in the hour they were away.

“Little bit,” Aiden replies quietly, and I appreciate his honesty. “But I didn’t mind. He loves you, and I understand why he’s more protective of you now than he may have been before. I respect him for it.”

“Mom’s a little smitten with you,” I giggle. “Thinks you’re a hunk.”

He quirks a brow, his smile amused. “I hope you agreed with her.”

I arch into the balls of my feet and give him a chaste kiss on the lips. “If I didn’t agree, I’d be lying.”

He brushes his nose against mine. “You’d better get back to your room before your dad comes to check on you. I have a feeling he might.”

I expel a breath and resist the urge to roll my eyes. “I hate not sharing a bed.” I pout. “But I’m not opposed to sexting with you from next door.”

Aiden’s brows lift. “We haven’t done that before. Might be fun.”

“Or,” I whisper, “We can wait an hour, and you can sneak into my bedroom.That’sa fantasy I can get behind.”

Aiden’s eyes bore into mine, and he asks, “Is that a challenge in your voice, Luna? You know how I feel about that.”

Yes. Yes, I do. Which is why I’ve thrown down the gauntlet. “Maybe,” I shrug. “Depends on how you feel about sneaking around like horny teenagers.”

He nibbles on his lip and lets out a growl from deep in his chest. “You’re going to get us both in trouble.”

“And that’s bad, because…”

“Because I want your parents to like me, Luna. It’s important.”

I blow a raspberry, and admit, “They won’t do anything, Aiden. Dad’s just old school.” When he doesn’t budge, I add, “If you don’t want to, I’ll, uh, just take care of business myself. Think about that while you’re in the shower.” I kiss him again, and then skip out of his bedroom with a grin on my face. I slip back into my bedroom, and close the door, but I don’t lock it. If I know Aiden, he’ll be thinking about metaking care of businesson my own, and inevitably give in to his own curiosity. I love my dad, I really do, but this whole business of wanting us in separate bedrooms when he knows Aiden and I have been living together for months feels like a silly little test. I’m not opposed to failing. Miserably.

Chapter Three: Snarling Dogs & Grown-up Sexting


Luna practically skips out of the room and shuts the door behind her. Leaving me with some lurid images of her touching herself because I’m too chicken shit to sneak out and slip into her bedroom once her parents have gone to bed. With a sigh, I grab my pajama pants, and head into the shower, taking my time to unwind under the hot spray. When I’m done, I dry off, change, and find myself staring at the empty bed. Luna and I have been sharing a bed for months, and it doesn’t quite feel right to be slipping between the covers without her. But I do it anyway, aware that she has, in fact, challenged me. My phone chimes beside the bed, and when I look, it’s a text from Luna.

Are you asleep?

I quickly type out a response.

No.I deliberate what else to say and decide to issue her with an instruction.Go to sleep.

It won’t work, and I know that, which is why o issued it to begin with. Just as Luna knows I can’t ignore a challenge; I know Luna sometimes has an aversion to being issued with an instruction. As in she’ll defy it, and the result is generally mutually beneficial for us both.

But I miss you,she types back.The bed is cold without you.

She’s going to be the death of me. I know it.

Luna,I type back.Go. To. Sleep.

I’m goading her, and that’s half the fun. If we can’t share a bed, we may as well have fun in other ways.
