Page 9 of Covering Her Six

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“Well, why don’t Aiden and I do the shopping for Christmas dinner,” Mom suggests. “It’ll give me an opportunity to get to know him better.”

I turn to Aiden, who swallows and wipes his mouth. “I’d be happy to, Adaline.” He gives me a smile, and I feel my body sag in relief because he’s more relaxed now. The general mood has shifted, and we’re no longer under the microscope.

“Daddy and I can get the tree then.” I kiss Aiden on the cheek and find my parents watching us. Their gazes are knowing. We finish breakfast, and Aiden helps me slip on my winter coat. He kisses my nose. “Enjoy tree shopping,” he murmurs. “I think I’m safer with your mom anyway.”

I scoff. “Don’t count on it, buddy. Dad’s the softy.”

Aiden hums and kisses my nose. “I’m excited to get to know her,” he admits, his eyes bright.

I glance over at where my mom is helping my dad with his coat, smiling at the way he leans down to kiss her. I sigh. They’re the most beautiful couple I know, inside and out, and I’ve dreamed of having the kind of love story they have.

“What’s the deal with the tree?” Aiden asks.

“It’s tradition,” I explain. “Dad’s been taking me to the tree lot every year since I was a little girl and lets me choose the Christmas tree.” I lower my gaze, a knot of emotion in my throat. “It seems silly, I know, but I haven’t been able to do it with him in a long time because…” I trail off, and Aiden tilts my chin, so I’ll look at him. “I’ll never stop you from doing things like this with your family, okay?”

I blink, and give him a nod, a slightly watery smile. “Thank you.” On the balls of my feet, I kiss him soundly, not caring if my parents see. I want them to see how Aiden and I are together, that he completes me, makes me happy, takes care of me.

“I’ll see you later,” he whispers against my mouth. “Miss you already.”

“Luna,” Dad walks closer, “You ready, baby?”

I nod and give Aiden another chaste kiss before following my dad outside. I’m aware of Mom and Aiden behind me, and look back, smiling when he opens her car door for her. He offered to drive her wherever she needs to go, and my heart expanded. I knew he’d be good with Mom, but I wasn’t kidding when I told him Dad is the softy. Not that I think he’ll struggle with Mom’s interrogation. She’s as protective of me as Dad is, but she’s been privy to more information about my life with my ex than Dad has been, simply because if Dad knew it all, Brantley would be dead, and Dad would be in jail.

Dad climbs into the driver’s seat and turns the key in the ignition. The radio plays Christmas carols, and I happily hum along until Dad turns the volume down.

“Seems like a good one,” he says, driving us to the tree lot not far from our house. I know he’s talking about Aiden. I glance at his profile. “He’s good to me, Daddy. Doesn’t yell or raise his voice. Or his hand,” I add quietly. That would be Dad’s first concern. “And I love Tallulah Falls, but I miss you and Mom.”

Dad nods, and quickly looks my way before returning his gaze to the road. “Still feel like you made the right decision?”

“Yes. It’s been good for me, and everyone in town has been so friendly, and welcoming. It’s home now.”

Dad lets out a breath, and it becomes obvious to me he’s got something on his mind. But I wait him out, giving him some time to formulate and organize his thoughts. “You haven’t heard from him, have you?”

ByhimI know he means my ex. I shake my head. “Nothing, and I hope it stays that way. Have you seen him around at all?” As far as I know, Brantley still lives in town, and it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume my parents have either bumped into him, or his family.

“Here and there,” Dad admits, which surprises me. I thought he’d lie, and say no. “But he gives me a wide berth, and it had better stay that way. His mother tried to make conversation with us when we were at the supermarket, but I steered Mom clear of that. Your mother has been itching to pick a fight with that woman.” He shakes his head, and I snicker despite myself. Mom can hold her own, it’s her sass that I inherited.

“Aiden will kill him if he ever steps foot in Tallulah Falls,” I assure Dad.

“I would expect nothing less from a man like him,” Dad replies as we come to a stop in the tree lot. He turns the car off, and twists to face me. “I can see you’re happy, Luna, but what matters more to me, and your mom for that matter, is that you’resafe. And I believe you are with Aiden.” He’s referring to Aiden’s background as a Navy SEAL, his military training. “Now,” he bops my nose with his finger, “Let’s go pick a tree.”

I lean over the console and press a kiss to my dad’s cheek. “The biggest one I can find?”

He grins. “Only the best for my baby girl.”

Two hours later, I’ve literally chosen the biggest tree I could find, and Dad’s scratching his head, trying to figure out how we’re supposed to load it on the car. Dad is physically fit, and strong, but this is a two-person job, and the sales guy is busy with other customers.

“Do I need to call Aiden?” I ask, hiding my smile when Dad frowns. “I can do it,” he says defensively.

“No one said you can’t,” I laugh. “But I’m not strong enough to help you.”

Hand on his hips, he lets out a breath, and grumpily replies, “Fine. Call Aiden.”

“Let me get your mom home, and help her unpack the car, then I’ll come over, send me the details”

“You’re the best,” I reply happily. “Love you.”

My insides sing when he clears his throat, and says, “Love you too.”
