Page 47 of Loving Rush

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"Going through everything is going to take days and days."

"You up for it?" I noticed she looked a little tired.

"I'm up for anything as long as I get to be with you."


Buried Deep


Rushand I were thick into the invoices for three days. We quickly realized that the billing system Clint put in place had no reasoning behind it. Whenever I thought I might have figured it out, a new invoice would appear with parts and prices that made less than zero sense.

Late on a Thursday evening, we were situated in the dark on the floor in the office. We'd been working without the lights, and time got away from us. Empty Chinese takeout boxes were stacked neatly while we examined the contents from the last remaining drawer of the filing cabinet.

"Are you going to talk to him tomorrow?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes. My eyeballs were stinging like fire ants had taken up residence. I needed sleep and didn't need Mom to tell me that. I could feel it in my bones.

Rush pulled off his ball cap, sending his gorgeous hair in every direction. I wanted to run my hands through it, but we were almost done. "Yeah," he said. He leaned against one of the wood-paneled walls and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I just don't know what to say to him." He wore a soft navy tee that hugged his broad shoulders. He couldn't look further from a biker if he tried—apart from the tattoos. Actually, that wasn't true. He was the epitome of a bad boy, but now I knew him, it was difficult to see. "It's hard to believe that he was doing such a crap job," he said eventually. "Or he's been using me to steal from my fucking customers."

I tried not to pull a face. That was what it looked like to me as well. The evidence was there. In the last two years since Clint started working with Rush, his invoices had become increasingly erratic with their pricing.

"I wish I could say otherwise. I really do. I know he's your friend. But I can't see any rising costs, and there's no additional income in your accounts."

Rush rolled his head on his neck, creaking out some kinks. I also felt the need to do that but worried my head might just fall off with exhaustion. "Thanks for dinner," I said to break the silence.

"Not exactly showing you a romantic time, am I?" He shot me a wry grin.

I hesitated but then decided to follow my gut. "No, and that's okay. This is important."

Rush's grin turned a little wicked. "Agreed. And I've really enjoyed spending time with you, especially romantically." He lifted one eyebrow and touched a thumb to his bottom lip.

Fuck, the man was sexy in every rugged and delicious way. If I spent the rest of my life getting to see him every day, that wouldn't be enough time. That thought surprised me, but I couldn't mull it over because Rush was beckoning me with one finger.

"Come here." Rush said. His eyes softened and became hooded.

I knew that look. He wanted me. A shot of desire zinged my core. I got onto my hands and knees. "Why?" I asked, playing coy as I crawled over.

Even though I'd promised to dress more casually, I soon realized wearing flowy skirts was preferable for occasions like these. When I reached him, Rush grabbed my waist and helped me straddle him, wrapping my hands around his neck. As I slid into place, I felt his cock was hard. An enormous rod ready to sink into my well. Fuck, I wanted to ride him.

His thumbs ran down my spine, fingers crushing my ribs. I shivered into him, kissing him with an ease that still blew my mind. My tongue slipped into his mouth, my hands in his dark hair. I pressed my chest against him, relishing the firmness that met my softness. His every touch made me burn with need.

"Rush," I whispered against his mouth, shifting a little along his denim-covered length and closing my eyes at the sensation.

He broke his lips from mine, pulling gently on the edge of my ponytail and tilting my head to kiss up the column of my throat. "I might rush most things," he murmured against my skin. "But I'm not willing to rush being with you."

"Is that right?" I rotated my hips, hoping he'd feel just how much I wanted him.

His lips grazed my ear, spreading shivers of delight down my arm and spine. "I just find invoices very, very sexy." His voice rumbled with a sexy hitch. "Very sexy."

I snorted a laugh which wasn't sexy at all and totally broke the moment. His hands circled my waist again, and he lifted me off his lap. Both of us stared at his solid cock straining against his jeans and the wetness from me.

"Tell me what you want," he ordered, his voice deep and rough.

I loved it when he asked that question. "I want to take your cock in my mouth," I said, leaning up on my knees and running a hand over his jeans.

"Right here?" He reached up and locked the door to the office.

"Yes," I said and shivered. "Lay down."
