Page 24 of Tank

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I trailed off, my throat growing tight and thick. Alexandra squeezed my hand tighter.

“I lived such a boring, quiet little life before Tank came along,” I whispered, the threat of tears burning my eyes. “I know I should run for the hills. I know it’s not safe to be around him. But…” I swiped at my cheek and blew out a shaky breath. “I can’t imagine my life without Tank now.”

Alexandra smiled softly.

“That’s how you know you’ve found a good man. One who will protect you and love you for the rest of his life. These men…” She gestured to Brewer standing at the clubhouse main entrance. And another man – Mack, I think – standing at a window. “They don’t hold anything back. It’s all or nothing with them. I told you before – it’s not an easy road. But it’s one hell of a ride. And it’s worth every second.”

Before I could respond, Brewer spoke from the doorway.

“We’ve got company rolling in.”

Alexandra and I moved to the window. A black Suburban and two pickup trucks pulled into the parking lot. My heart stuttered when one of the trucks stopped and Tank emerged, carrying a flaming Molotov cocktail.

“Away from the windows!” Brewer barked.

Alexandra pulled me back to a safer distance, but I could still see some of what was happening outside. Brewer edged out the door, drawing a pistol from the waistband of his jeans. He kept it low at his side, out of view.

“What’s going on, brother?” he called.

“I made a deal with Lars,” Tank said.

“Do you really trust that little shit?”

“He told me to choose. My MC. Or Jules.”

“We’ve got Jules in here, buddy,” Brewer said. “She’s safe.”

I could barely make out Tank’s figure from my vantage point in the room, his figure blurred through the window. But I saw him smile with a little nod.

“I know.”

Then he threw the cocktail as hard as he could at the Suburban. Glass shattered on the ground and flames surged up the tires.

Gunshots pop-popped through the air. Tank dropped out of sight. Alexandra held me back, shoving me under a nearby table for cover. Shouts volleyed back and forth but I couldn’t tell what was said through the adrenaline pounding in my ears.

It seemed like only seconds and an eternity at the same time before silence descended on the clubhouse. I clutched Alexandra’s arm, glancing up at her, waiting.

Brewer’s voice bellowed from outside.

“Alexandra! Call an ambulance!”

I stumbled to my feet, skidding on broken glass as I darted out the door.

Blood on the pavement. Bodies. I tried not to look at them, and yet I couldn’t stop myself from searching one face after another, hoping it wasn’t Tank.

More broken glass. Shell casings. Bullet holes studded the cars, punched through the windows.

Brewer knelt on the ground. His hands were red, slippery.

“Tank,” I croaked.

On wobbly legs, I made my way to his side. Tank’s breathing was wet and ragged.

“You’re in bad shape, buddy,” Brewer said. “What the hell were you thinking, pulling a stunt like that? You had no cover.”

Tank coughed and blood flecked his lips.

“Couldn’t betray my brothers. Couldn’t betray my girl. I had to take the hit and bring Lars down with me.”

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