Page 55 of Cerberus

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“I’m not sure,” I admitted. “It might have to do with my reputation for patience. Cerberus guarded the Underground. I imagine that took a lot of patience.”

“And…and the others?”

“Stone is Typhon, which I presume is based on all the power that dude wields. Plus, he’s super confrontational and doesn’t fear much. Saxton is Basilisk, which is apt because Saxton is capable of ending someone with the snap of his fingers. The guy’s ruthless when he’s at the end of his rope.”

“Jesus,” she muttered.

“Fox is Sphinx, which makes sense because Fox is a born leader,” I continued. “The sphinx had the power of four: to know, to will, to dare, and to keep silent. And August is Hydra, which is making a lot of fucking sense now. It was said that if you cut off Hydra’s head, two more would grow in its place, never truly destroying the creature.”

“So…what if…” She eyed me. “Not saying I’m totally buying all this right now, but…what does that mean for me? Does it mean anything?”

“I imagine Alexander will be knocking on our door in the morning with a mountain of NDAs for you to sign,” I told her. “And a lecture.”

“Are you…going to get in trouble?” she asked warily.

I just grinned. “Probably,” I answered truthfully. “Still, I haven’t violated any terms of my membership, so a lecture will probably be the worst of it.”

After a few quiet seconds, she said, “You know, I never would have said anything.”

“I know,” I replied. “But telling you would have jeopardized everything. Now that you’re my wife, my secrets are your secrets.”

“Is that the real reason you married me?”

I reached for her, then dumped her on my lap. Sutton was straddling me, looking down at me, and you could see the fear of my answer swirling around in her eyes.

“No,” I told her. “I married you because I love you. I married you because there will never be anyone else for meever.I married you because I refuse to be without you ever again.”

“This is so insane,” she whispered.

“Don’t care,” I replied. “Just tell me you love me, baby. That’s all I care about.”

Sutton didn’t disappoint. “I love you, Ross. Unfortunately for me, I love you.”

She had no idea.

The End.
