Page 30 of Basilisk

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It wasn’t long before Kincaid was rushing my way, her book bag slung over her shoulder, bouncing against her back. Her purse was also slung over the same shoulder, and I knew it had to be weighing on her, but she didn’t look it.

As soon as she stopped in front of me, she asked, “Are you alright?”

My heart warmed at her automatic concern for me. “I’m fine,” I assured her. “This isn’t about me.”

“Then what’s going on?”

“I just overheard a strange conversation between August Remington and Laney Spinner, and I thought you should know about it,” I told her. “Especially, since you’re friends with Rylee Lexington.”

Kincaid’s entire body stilled, and I knew I’d just overheard something big. “Okay,” she replied quietly, almost as if she were talking to a deranged lunatic that she needed to talk down. “Hastings?” I nodded. “I need you to tell me everything, word for word, okay?”

“Well, sure-”

“No, I mean it,” she interrupted. “There can be no confusion or…misunderstandings about this.”

I nodded again. “Of course.”

Then she asked something super odd. “Can I record you?”


“I don’t want anything lost in translation when I tell Rylee and Stone what’s going on,” she said. “So, can I record you?”

“Uh, sure.” While I knew that she was going to tell Rylee and Stone, asking to record me had thrown me off a bit.

Setting her book bag and purse down, she pulled her phone from her back pocket, then set it to record. As soon as she gave me the go-ahead, I told her everything that I’d overheard, and I made sure to word it as accurately as I could remember. Since the conversation had just happened, it wasn’t hard to recall the details.

When I was done, Kincaid looked spitting made. “That sonofabitch,” she hissed.

“What’s going on, Kincaid?” I asked, though it wasn’t my place.

She surprised me by sharing what she knew. “August Remington has an…unhealthy fixation on Rylee Lexington.”

“Well, I gathered that much,” I muttered.

“The problem is that…uh, the cops, or no one really, can do anything about it without proof,” she added. “It’s just a lot of August running off at the mouth.”

“Is…is he dangerous? Because I have to tell you, Kincaid, there was something in his voice when he spoke about her,” I told her. “I mean, he was really getting upset at Laney for pointing out that Rylee was married to Stone now. He didn’t like hearing it.”

“I honestly don’t know if he’s dangerous or not,” she replied. “Still, it doesn’t matter if he is. Stone won’t let him anywhere near Rylee.”

“I don’t mean to…be negative, but isn’t that what all stalking victims thinks? That their boyfriends, friends, or family will protect them?”

“You obviously don’t know Stone Lexington,” she replied.

“No, it’s not that,” I quickly corrected. “It’s just…I don’t know. I think I must have the heeby-jeebies or something. Their argument was…uncomfortable.”

“Look, I need to call Rylee,” she said. “But…if Stone wants to talk to you, are you okay with that?”

“Of course,” I answered quickly. “Anything to help.”

Kincaid gave me a quick hug, then grabbed her stuff off the ground before taking off. I stayed by my car, not sure what to do. I still had more classes to attend today, but I wasn’t sure if I was in the right frame of mind to actually pay attention.

Twenty second later, the decision was made. There was nothing for me to do but go to class. Technically, this wasn’t my mess, and there was nothing more to be done on my end. I’d told Kincaid, and I was sure she could take care of it.

So, grabbing my stuff, I headed back to campus, ready for my next class. And all the while, I was still trying to pretend that I didn’t care that I haven’t heard from Saxton.
