Page 33 of Basilisk

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Chapter 18


Another day of classes down, and another day where I haven’t heard from Saxton. I’ve spoken to Kincaid plenty of times, but I was respecting her choice to stay out of whatever was going on between me and Saxton. I haven’t asked her once about him, and the more I thought about it, the more that I realized I was in the wrong for expecting anything.

I was the one who had snuck out of his bed the next morning, not the other way around.

Granted, I realized this was Saxton Voss we were talking about, and he probably had more pressing priorities in his life than a girl he had spent the night with, but it still stung.

It stung because I was officially that girl.

Why couldn’t we all be Kincaid Blacks and take life by the balls and not care about guys? Why couldn’t we all be strong in the face of inky-black hair, grey eyes, hard bodies, alpha vibes, and big dicks? Why were we always the weak ones? The forgiving ones? The peacemakers? People said that women had the power to bring men to their knees, but I just didn’t see it. Supposedly, men waged wars for women, but I didn’t even see them opening doors for them anymore.

I also wasn’t stupid enough not to realize that Saxton Voss didn’t need to wait on me. I had no doubt that there was a line out the door for a chance to get him into bed. Whether it be his good looks or the size of his wallet, Saxton had options.

Many of them.

Even though it was Tuesday, there was always something going on in Serenity Springs. With Hales University being what it was, there might not be parties happening, but there were get-togethers on any random day. So, instead of sitting around, kicking myself for messing things up with Saxton, I texted Sidney. We were party friends, and she was always up to something.

Me: What’s good 4 2nite?

As I waited for her to reply, I went to my closet to see what I had available for a Tuesday night. However, the knock on my door had me making a detour. I wasn’t sure where Kincaid was, but my guess would be with Saxton or Rylee.

Whoever was at the door, the options were limited. You had to be buzzed into our building if you didn’t have the code, and for the most part, most of the tenants respected that rule. So, whoever was at the door had to be a neighbor or someone who was close to Kincaid. I’ve never given out the code to anyone before.

Opening the door, the last person in the world that I had expected to see was Saxton Voss. However, there he was. Just standing there. Staring at me like…well, I wasn’t sure like what, but his expression wasn’t one that was happy to see me.

“Kincaid’s not here,” I blurted out ungracefully.

“I’m not here for Kincaid,” he replied, his voice deep and steady.

“You’re not?”

His head tilted to the side a bit, an ebony lock randomly falling loose. “Can I come in?”

“Uh…sure.” I stepped back to let him inside. Shutting the door behind me, I let manners take over. “Do you want something to drink?”

He turned around to face me. “No, Hastings. I don’t want something to drink.”

“Oh, okay.” In a nervous gesture, I ran my palms down the sides of my thighs. “So, what are you doing here if you’re not here for Kincaid?”

Saxton slid his hands in his pockets, straightened his back, and his chin came up in a way that make me tremble with uneasiness. “Moving forward, you’re to stay away from August Remington and Laney Spinner,” he ordered, surprising the hell out of me.


“Stay away from August Remington and Laney Spinner,” he repeated.

Disappointment coursed through my body. I really thought he was here to talk about what had happened Saturday night, but he wasn’t. However, disappointment aside, he didn’t have the authority to tell me what to do. I understood that Kincaid was important to him and that he was probably only looking out for her, but I’d never put Kincaid in harm’s way. Yeah, she was my roommate, but she was also my friend.

I crossed my arms over my chest in a bid to look strong. “Firstly, I don’t even hang out with them. I never have,” I told him. “Secondly, after what I overheard yesterday, do you seriously think I’d…just hang out with them? I’m not stupid, Saxton. I might not know what’s going on, but I understood the nature of their conversation, and it wasn’t too hard to figure out that it was all bad. That’s why I told Kincaid.” Lowering my arms, I grabbed the hem of my shirt. “Lastly, what gives you the right to tell me what to do?”

His grey eyes narrowed as he dropped his chin a bit. “The fact that I fucked you all night long on Saturday night gives me that right,” he growled.

Even though this mess was all my fault, hurt feelings were responsible for what I said next. “If that were the case, then Scott should be able to tell me what to do, too.”

Have you ever seen a furious Saxton Voss?

Yeah, me neither.
