Page 39 of Basilisk

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Chapter 21


“So, how did things go with Hastings?” Ross asked.

It was Wednesday evening, and Kincaid had done us a solid. We were having too many meetings for it not to look suspicious, so Kincaid had arranged a girls’ night, and had even invited Alexis. They were still icing Laney out, but Kincaid had assured me that she could handle Alexander if he started to ask questions. So, Kincaid, Hastings, Rylee, and Alexis were doing whatever it was that girls did when they hung out while me and the guys were having another discussion about August and Laney.

This time, instead of meeting at one of our homes, we had agreed to meet in the next town over. Even though we weren’t stupid enough to believe that Alexander wouldn’t know about us meeting here, it still made us feel better to thwart August.

“She has questions,” I admitted.

“Did you answer them?” Fox asked.

I shook my head. “What the fuck do I look like? I wouldn’t do that without talking to you guys first.”

“But you want to,” Ross surmised.

I looked over at him. “How would you know?”

“Because it’s hard to lie to a woman you care about,” he replied. “And it’s obvious that you care about her.”

“Yeah, that picture you posted on your social media feed was pretty vicious, dude,” Stone added. “Caveman much?”

I winced.

“Yeah, well, I was still mad about a couple of things,” I muttered. “The girl snuck out of my bed Sunday morning. I had a point to prove.”

Ross let out a deep laugh. “Damn, Voss.”

“Well, I’d say your point has been proven,” Fox chimed in. “Those hickeys look brutal, man.”

“Hey, before you guys go start feeling sorry for the girl, she got her licks in, too.” I pulled my collar down and showed them the two souvenirs Hastings had given me last night. The girl had wanted to mark her territory, so I had let her.

“Just buy a ring already,” Ross joked. “It’ll look prettier than those things.”

I arched a brow. “Because you don’t mark Sutton?”

His lips twitched. “Not where the entire world can see it,” he countered. “I mean, not anymore.”

“Yeah, well, let her sneak out of your bed in the morning, then you can tell me to lay off,” I replied.

Ross growled, and I knew it was because he wasn’t appreciating the roles being reversed.

“So, are you asking us if you can tell her?” Stone asked. “Is that it?”

The problem with being honest with these guys was that they didn’t know what I knew. They didn’t know what was to come. My word was my bond, and my signature on those contracts meant something. However, I wasn’t sure what was going to be left of our initiating class after the smoke cleared. I wasn’t sure if I’d be breaking my NDA by telling Hastings our secrets or not.

“I signed an NDA,” I reminded him. “Even if you guys give me permission to bring her in, it’s too risky.”

“It’s not like Alexander can prove she knows anything, Saxton,” Fox pointed out. “At this point, I find that I’m not caring much about the contracts, NDAs, or the rules. August has changed the game. Why should we be forced to honor our pledges when he’s not honoring his?”

“Because we’re better than him?” I posed.

“Oh, we’re definitely that,” he agreed. “But this isn’t about sinking to his level. This is about doing everything we can to protect the women we love.” Fox pointed his finger at me. “And don’t tell me that you’re not in love with Hastings Martin, Voss. I was there Saturday night, remember? Plus, those hickeys might as well be a damn wedding ring. You’re Saxton Voss, and everyone is losing their shit over you finally having a serious girlfriend.”

“I never said that I wasn’t in love with her,” I replied. “I’m just…don’t want to rush into anything.”

“I get that,” Stone jumped in. “However, Fox is right. If The Order isn’t going to do anything to help us protect our wives, girlfriends-” He looked over at Fox. “-or whatever, then we don’t owe them a motherfucking thing.”
