Page 55 of Basilisk

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“Can I ask you something?” I nodded. “Now that we’re together, does it bother you that I call her babe?” My head jerked back a bit at that. “Fox made a comment last night, and it got me thinking.”

“What did he say?”

“He said it was confusing.” He shrugged. “I’ve been calling her that for so long that I’ve never really given it much thought. However, from the outside looking in, I can see how someone could get confused. Now that you’re my girlfriend, I don’t need anyone going back and spreading rumors.”

I smiled at that. While it didn’t bother me that he called Kincaid babe, I appreciated how he was asking me about it. “It doesn’t bother me, but I get it,” I finally answered. “When I first heard you call her that, I had assumed something was going on between you guys, too. I never asked because it wasn’t any of my business, though.”

Saxton sat down next to me, then tenderly took my face in his hands. “I love Kincaid, but I love her like a sister,” he said. “However, I’m in love with you. I need you to understand that, okay?”

“Okay,” I replied, and I couldn’t help but feel immense appreciation for this man. He was making the effort to explain something that didn’t need explaining.

“So, while Kincaid and I are close, and we might do something that seems odd, or act too familiar, if any of it ever bothers you, Hastings, you need to let me know. I can’t have you sitting on something, letting it fester, because you don’t want to intrude or don’t think you have the right to say something,” he continued. “Because you do have the right to say something.”

“Honestly, I’ve been around you guys long enough to see the way you two interact,” I told him. “I’m fine with all of it. I trust you, Saxton. I also trust Kincaid.”

“Just promise me, okay?”

I nodded. “Fine. I promise. If you guys ever do anything that makes me uncomfortable on an emotionally romantic level, I’ll say something.”

He grinned. “An emotionally romantic level? What’s that?”

“Well, you guys were talking about killing someone last night like it was no big thing, and that made me uncomfortable as hell,” I snorted. “So, I was just referring to anything that might make me feel jealous or something like that.”

Saxton went from grinning to smiling. “You really are the perfect woman for me, Hastings.”

“Great. Good,” I replied drolly. “Can I get a shower now? Plus, I know I have some horrible morning breath going on, and you’re just sitting here, talking to me like I don’t.”

The bastard laughed, but then said, “You’re crazy if you think I care about your morning breath.”

“Well, I care,” I retorted. “So, can we get a move on, please?”

Saxton kissed the top of my head, still chuckling. “Let me get the tub ready, then I’ll come back for you. Okay?”

I nodded. “Okay.”

When he pulled back to look at me, he added, “Also, can you do me a favor?”


“Call your parents.”

My brows furrowed. “Why?”

“Baby, we don’t need them making a surprise visit or reaching out to facetime you,” he answered. “If you call them first, they’ll be satisfied enough not to call for a bit. We can’t let them see you like this.”

He was right. While I didn’t speak with my parents every day, we did talk at least three times a week. Even if it was a simple hello, we spoke. We texted a lot, but we still made the effort to talk on the phone when we could. Though I didn’t think they’d just drive down to pop in for a visit, it was better to be safe than sorry. There was no way I’d be able to explain my injuries away convincingly.

“Good idea,” I agreed. “I’ll call why you set up the bath.”

Saxton stood up, but before he took off to get the bath ready, he added, “Also, don’t forget to tell them we’re dating now. My parents already know.”

My eyes widened at that. “They do?”

“Hastings, I flooded my social media with pictures of us and added the caption that your name would sound great as Hastings Voss,” he reminded me. “You don’t think my parents didn’t call me immediately? Especially, since my sisters live on social media?”

“Oh, I guess,” I mumbled, then I remembered which pictures he’d posted. “Goddamn it!”

The bastard’s laugh followed him out of the room.
