Page 60 of Basilisk

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Going with the precedence that Stone had set, and Ross had followed, Hastings married me in a midnight ceremony at the same church, with the same priest, and the same vows. Hastings looked awful with all her purple, blue, yellow, and black bruises, but all I saw was my future.

With not a single garment of formal wear in sight, I married Hastings Martin with Stone, Fox, and Ross at my side, Rylee, Sutton, and Alexis at Hastings’ side. There’d been a long discussion about inviting Alexis, but since this had to do with Order business as well as just marrying the girl of my dreams, we’d all agreed that it’d be best if Alexis were invited, even though she didn’t really know Hastings all that well. With Alexis here, it appeared as if we were still respecting the rules and sanctity of the organization’s traditions and requirements.

The only issue that I had was that it appeared as if Alexis might be losing sight of the bigger picture. She hasn’t left Fox’s side since we got here, and that didn’t make any sense. She was decent enough friends with Rylee and Kincaid to feel comfortable enough to hang out with them. However, she’s been on Fox’s dick all night, even knowing that nothing could happen between them. Maybe the slew of weddings was making her dreamy-eyed.

“Congratulations, man,” Stone said, slapping my back.

I glanced over to where the girls were gathered, still thanking the priest for his services. “Yeah, I’m a lucky bastard.”

“That you are,” he agreed.

Ross made his way over. “I just checked the video,” he informed us. “It’s a perfect keepsake.”

“I’ll make sure to send it to Alexander first thing in the morning,” I replied.

“Why midnight weddings?” Fox grumbled, making his way towards us, sans Alexis. “We act like none of us have classes in the morning.”

“Fine,” Stone chuckled. “When you get married, we’ll make it at noon. All nice and bright with the sun shining and everything.”

Fox huffed. “Dude, I’m happy for you guys and all, but the last thing that I’m doing right now is getting married.”

“Never say never,” Ross sing-songed.

“Oh, trust me,” Fox smirked. “When I get married, it’ll be years from now after I’ve paid my dues. Plus, I’m not stupid. I know that I’ll have to do the whole family legacy thing eventually. It just won’t be now.”

“Or you could just not get married,” Stone pointed out. “Don’t fall into that whole family legacy crap.”

Fox grinned. “I want children one day, though. Plus, I’ll eventually want someone to go home to.” He shrugged. “I just hope I like her enough.”

I didn’t say anything.

None of us did.

It was obvious that whatever love Fox had in his heart, it was going to die with Kincaid.

“Hey, do you guys believe that Alexander is really going to write up a report on August?” Ross asked, changing the subject.

“Hell, no,” I answered. “He’s buying time until whoever is pulling his strings tells him what to do next.”

“I agree,” Fox added. “Whatever August has on Alexander, it’s big.”

I jerked my chin towards Stone. “Any word from your PI on it?”

“He actually called yesterday.” He glanced over at the girls really quickly before continuing. “He said he needed only a few more days to confirm, but he’s pretty sure he’s found out what’s going on.”

“He didn’t say what?” Ross asked.

Stone shook his head. “Nah, he doesn’t work that way. The dude is good because he only hands over facts, not hopes and dreams.”

I twirled the new gold band on my finger around. “Well, now that we have Elias sitting on August, a few more days can’t hurt.”

“I can’t wait to bring that fucker down,” Ross hissed.


The End.
