Page 41 of Sphinx

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Chapter 22


I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but whatever it was, it was big.

When Alexander had sent out a meeting text, he’d sent it to me, Rylee, and Alexis, also. Though Sutton and Hastings had signed their confidentiality NDA’s, they still weren’t a part of all this. They were married to Ross and Saxton, but that was the extent of their connection to The Order. So, since this was Order business, they hadn’t been expected to attend. Stone had made sure to leave Elias with them, though. It didn’t matter that August was here. Stone wasn’t taking any chances with the girls. It was kind of sweet when you thought about it. Not only were we at a place where we cared about one another, but we were also at a place where we all were starting to matter equally.

So, this time, we were meeting in a metal warehouse of some sort, and I briefly wondered if these properties were all owned by the organization, because where did Alexander find these decrepit places?

When I had arrived, I had arrived alone, and there’d been no missing the look that Alexander had shot my way when I had entered the building. I imagined that it’d take him more than just a couple of days to get over me pulling a knife on him. Though he hadn’t said anything, I could still feel the animosity between us. However, whether he liked me or not, it was entirely up to him how ugly this thing would get. Peacefully or a bloodbath, I didn’t care either way.

I’d also taken my spot with Stone, Rylee, Saxton, Ross, Fox, and Alexis on one side of the room, August and Laney on the other. However, for this official meeting, I had quickly noticed that Arlene wasn’t in attendance. It was just Alexander, Donovan, and Jacob, and I saw the decision for the crack in the wall that it was. Excluding Arlene was Alexanders failed attempt to restore the chaos that was now our initiating class.

Alexander stood between our group and August and Laney, knowing that each guy was barely holding onto their tempers by a thread. Especially, Saxton.

It was the reason that I had chosen to stand in front of him, instead of next to him. While I had every confidence that the guys could hold him back if they needed to, pushing me to the side would signal to everyone that Saxton was going to kill August.

“We have two issues to address this evening, and it’s unfortunate that it’s come to this,” Alexander began. “This initiating class being what it is, I’d had high hopes for everyone in this room. However, it’s obvious that there’s a breach that cannot be repaired.”

No one said anything, letting Alexander bask in the spotlight of his own mind. The truth of the matter was that Alexander wasn’t as powerful as he’d like to believe. He was only thirty, just inside the fringes of the organization. It was the older members that had the real power. Like any military branch, time and experience were what earned you the stripes on your uniform. Alexander didn’t have any stripes yet. At least, none that have been woven in blood. Those stripes belonged to the governing panel. They belonged to men like Stone’s father and Fox’s father.

However, that was the exact thing about this initiating class that had everyone so worried. Stone, Fox, Saxton, and Ross had what it took to take over the governing panel one day, and that was a concerned because there would always be the question of which was stronger; their loyalty to The Order or their loyalty to one another.

Alexander stepped until he was standing in front of Alexis. I saw her try to step closer to Fox, but Alexander had taken her hand and escorted her closer to where he was standing. “Ms. Wyatt, it seems as if we have a problem,” he said, and this was news to me.

I watched her straighten her back. “I don’t know what you mean.”

He shook his head, looking at her as a parent would an errant child. “I received an interesting call earlier today,” he said. “Did you perhaps misunderstand the simple outline of your responsibilities, Ms. Wyatt?” She paled a bit, and that made me super curious. “Was I not clear enough when I explicitly explained the rules between a sponsor and his supporter?”

I could feel myself stiffen at where this was going. A stab of hot jealousy hit me in the chest, and it was all that I could do to rein it all in. Though me and Fox had only started sleeping together again on Friday, it never occurred to me that he might be sleeping with Alexis. It made no sense for him to risk his membership to sleep with her when he could have any girl on campus, though.

However, I’d been thinking of the Fox that I used to know three years ago. In all honesty, I didn’t know much about the guy he was today.

Other than how he fucked.

“But…but Laney said that…they weren’t rules,” Alexis sputtered, and I could feel regret slam into me hard and unmerciful. Every girl that Fox has been with since me was my fault. I had no right to be jealous or mad, even though I was feeling those two emotions deep in my bones.

“And you thought it a wise decision to believe Ms. Spinner over the words in your contract?” Alexander asked her. “Since when did Ms. Spinner become an authority on anything pertaining to the organization and its membership requirements?”

“I…it’s no big deal,” she cried out, doing her best to save herself. “It’s a stupid rule anyway.”

Alexander took exception to that. “Stupid or not, it is a rule, Ms. Wyatt. One that you agreed to abide by.”

“This is such bullshit,” she spat. “Nothing happened.”

Alexander’s head jerked back in amazement at her nerve. “Only because Mr. Harrington wasn’t interested,” he pointed out, and the relief that I felt almost rocked me on my heels. “Imagine my concern when he called me earlier to tell me that you’ve been hitting on him, despite the numerous warnings not to.”


He didn’t let her speak. “Did you not learn anything from that distasteful mess with Ms. Polk? Do you honestly think you are still an asset to the organization when your own sponsor no longer trusts you?”

Alexis twirled on her feet in an angry but graceful move. “You fucking bitch!” she yelled at Laney. “You told me it was okay!”

Laney lifted her chin primly. “I have no idea what you’re talking about Alexis,” she lied. “I would never advise you to sleep with Fox. It’s against the rules, as everyone knows.”

We all watched in Jerry Springer fascination as Alexis went after Laney, an honest-to-God catfight taking place on the floor of this dirty factory room.

Credit to Alexis, she’d managed to get in a few good hits before Alexander was pulling her off Laney’s body, and Jacob and Donovan were trying to help separate the two girls. While Laney might have a couple of bruises in the morning, it was clear that Alexis was the true loser in all this.
