Page 11 of Alone

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Opening the door, I peer into the next room and notice it’s the living area of the house. A very small house.

“There she is,” another female voice says as I lean around the door of the stranger’s room. She sounds annoyed like she’s been waiting for me to come out for hours.

Three women in questionable clothing are standing around the living room. One of them is in a tight black dress, another one in short shorts with a crop top and knee-high heeled boots, and the third one is wearing leather pants and a red bra.

Their makeup is overdone and they are all thin and tan.

Seriously. Who are these people?

“Dammit, Dee!” the one in the red bra scoffs. “Let’s go! Tommy is gonna have our heads rollin’ if we don’t hurry up. We only got a few hours of sleep and still have a long ass day ahead of us.”

I step out from behind the door and look around. Everyone’s eyes are now on me and Red Bra’s jaw drops.

They all tilt their heads in unison and they seem confused. I’m glad I’m not the only one that doesn’t know what’s going on.

“We need to hurry up for what?” I ask. My head is thumping as the sun meets my eyes and I instinctively close one and squint with the other.

“Work, dumbass,” Black Dress replies, rolling her eyes.

“Are you starting a new trend at the club?” Red Bra asks me. Her eyes are traveling up and down my front side, analyzing my choice of clothes.

“No,” I say, still unsure of what’s going on. “But, umm.. Where the hell am I?”

“Not again,” Red Bra groans, her hands dropping by her sides. “Carmen, I told you not to give her that last line. I knew she was already past her limit.”

“It wasn’t my fault,” Black Dress, who I’m now assuming is Carmen, says to Red Bra with her hands up. “She told me it was fine. She told me that she was still tip-toeing around sober when I laid it out on the table. And besides, I felt fine after my first one and was basing her level of sanity on my own.”

Red Bra sighs and runs a hand over her face. Crop Top sits on the couch and stares at me, not saying anything.

Black Dress, or I guess Carmen is her name, steps toward me and tugs at my shirt. “Next time, don’t act all tough. Take what you can handle and no more. You should know better than that. I don’t know what kind of joke this is, but my patience is running thin. Go get changed and let’s go.”

“This is all I have,” I say, still unsure of what I’m doing here and who these women are. Though Carmen seems like she has her shit together.

“Bullshit,” Carmen replies, tugging at the bottom of her black dress. “We just went shopping last week. You have plenty of new things in there to tug over that tight body of yours. Go.”

“I don’t have the time for this,” Red Bra says as she stomps toward me. “I’ll dress her again.”

She grabs my arm and drags me into the bedroom that I woke up in. After two minutes of rummaging through the closet, she throws a small piece of black fabric at me, followed by a shiny silver piece of fabric.

“Get dressed,” she says. “You have one minute before we leave your drunk ass at home. You can deal with Tommy on your own. My ass can’t take another whooping from him.”

I swallow hard. “Who is Tommy?”

She stops dead in her tracks and looks over her shoulder at me. “Don’t play those sorry games with me. I don’t want any part of the sass you take up with the boss man. Get dressed so we can go.”

Her voice started sharp as she scolded me, but dropped into a softer tone before she walked out of the bedroom.

I don’t have time to think. I don’t have time to figure out where I am. All this talk about this Tommy guy has me a bit on edge and my best bet at this point is to follow them wherever they’re going and then get a cab to take me home.

Struggling into the outfit Red Bra gave me is a nightmare. There’s hardly anything to grab onto to pull it down over my head.

I guess I won’t need a gym membership after all if this is what I’m supposed to wear to ‘work’. Just getting dressed has me burning well over a thousand calories.

I slip into the silver fabric and notice it’s a skirt. Or a belt. Probably could go as either with the length of the damn thing.

I’m afraid if I sneeze, my snatch is going to be visible to the world.

My eyes move around the room now that I’m able to see without the cloudiness of whatever ‘lines’ those women were talking about. I still feel like I got hit by a bus, but I’m not sure what’s coursing through my system.
