Page 44 of Alone

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Rolling over, I get onto all fours and crawl toward the crowd who is lining the stage in the VIP section. I make eye contact with one of the women while the other one is talking to her partner.

I could take this one, but the other one seems like more of a challenge and I know I have to make this night good.

I tilt my head while rolling my body and staring at the woman who is talking to her partner. My ass is in the air and I’m getting attention from everyone but the person I’m trying to close in on.

Finally, I wiggle my finger at her partner when he looks at me, causing the woman to cut mid-sentence and look my way.

I grin at her. Her eyes go wide. She points at herself, asking if she’s the one I’m looking at.

I dip my hips toward the stage and nod slowly. Closing my eyes and raising my face toward the ceiling, only to drop it low and look at her with my most seductive look.

She shakes her head and sinks deeper into her chair. Great, I’ve embarrassed her.

I tilt my head at her and give her a wink. Still nothing.

Going with another approach, I sit on the stage and criss-cross my legs, placing my hands on my knees and staring at her. I wiggle my butt like an eager toddler and she actually giggles. I give her a big smile and she sits up a little straighter.

“Come on,” I mouth to her, starting to dance a little to the song that’s playing overhead.

I can see her contemplating and she gets a nudge from her partner who’s completely entertained at the attention she’s getting.

She stands and walks toward the stage. The crowd is clapping and multiple guys are hollering “Trin-i-ty! Trin-i-ty!”

I crawl to meet her and extend my hand when the woman closes in on the stage. She takes it, cautiously making her way up to me. When I look back at the woman’s partner, I notice he’s now resting one foot on his knee with his arms crossed over his chest and a huge smile of amusement on his face.

This is going to be fun.

I wave toward the back and they bring out the chair that I had sitting there before I entered the stage. I walk her over to the chair and sit her down, swinging a leg over her lap and pressing my breasts into her face. I wiggle my chest and see that she closes her eyes, so I lean down and whisper “It’ll be alright.” I notice her shoulders loosen at the sound of my voice.

I lift myself from her lap and walk behind her, running my hand over her arms as I move.

When my hands go up in the air, the entire room bursts into cheers, wanting me to have my way with this woman.

She seems sweet. Almost like she was dragged here by her partner. She’s dressed in a white skirt with a pink button-up shirt. Her hair is up in a messy bun, and she has super cute sandals that expose her painted toes. Her glasses are cat-eye shaped, and her makeup is very subtle.

Not the typical type to visit us, but I’m definitely not complaining.

I lower my hands to her shoulders and feel her tense up again. Slowly and quietly, I move down next to her ear and whisper, “Nod once if you don’t want me to touch you, but twice if you’re okay with it.”

She hesitates, and I see her nod once. So I raise my hands from her and go to move around her when she nods her head a second time.

Game on.

I dip in front of her and press my hands onto her knees, pushing and spreading her wide open for me. I look over my shoulder and give the crowd a wink to get them all going again.

No panties,I mouth to her. Her cheeks flush with embarrassment and she grips the chair on either side. I stand up and sit myself down on her lap with my legs between hers. Grabbing her arms, I slide my hands down to hers and bring them up to my breasts, letting her cup and squeeze me.

I dip my head back and rest it on her shoulder while I run her hands all over my body. I slowly inch her right hand toward my crotch, waiting for the crowd to go more and more wild. Just before I reach my center, I lift her hand and whirl myself off of her.

The crowd groans, but money is flying everywhere.

Extending a hand to her, I lift her from the chair, kicking it toward the side of the stage, and move around her body as though she were the pole. I hear Aaron cut to the next song on my playlist and the crowd is all but standing when “American Woman” by Lenny Kravitz booms out.

The woman smiles at me and gives me a nervous giggle.

“You’re doing great,” I tell her quietly as I come around the front of her.

I lower her to the ground and have her lying on her back with her arms above her head. I walk around her, looking from her face to the crowd and the woman seems to be enjoying herself now.
