Page 63 of Alone

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Geani spits at me and it lands on my face, completely grossing me out, but I can’t stop fighting back. I have to ignore the fact that I’m now coated in the bodily fluids of a total cunt.

Finally, after a few minutes of slashing, she can’t move her arms, but she’s still trying to wiggle out from under me.

“Why the fuck did you dip so low as to having me raped?” I hiss at her. “What could I have POSSIBLY done to you that you felt I deserved something as bad as that?”

I notice she won’t make eye contact with me. Maybe she didn’t think I’d put it together that she did it on purpose.

“And why the fuck did you think it would hurt me to have Nick in a champagne room?” I add.

Her voice is cracking as she continues to fight to get away. “I heard the way you talked to him,” she says, wiggling. “And maybe you didn’t deserve to be raped,” she continues. “But you sure as shit deserved to be put in your place.”

“Put in my pla-,”

As I contemplate what she means by that, I subconsciously lighten my grip and she takes advantage of the moment, flipping me over and pinning me down.

Now my voice is the one cracking and straining. “I didn’t do anything to you to beput in my place.”

“Oh shut up,” Geani says, glaring down at me. She isn’t hitting me, but that’s probably because she needs both hands to keep me pinned. And you bet your ass the second she lets up, I’m rolling her bitch ass onto her back where she does her best work.

“You practically run this place,” she continues. “You needed to be knocked down a peg or two. I don’t know what the fuck happened to you, Dee. But you’ve changed. You got worse. You let this shit get to your head and then when the moment strikes to actually let us have some of the spotlight, you show up in a dress that last-week Dee never would have even considered wearing. Yeah, you were cocky and arrogant, but this shit took the cake. Big names were after you.” Her voice is no longer cracking with anger, but with emotion. “Everyone wanted Trinity. Nobody cared about Alaska, Carmen, Lexus, or me.”

This strikes a cord for some reason. The way Tommy talked to me was like he expected more from me. Maybe I did take it over the top. Maybe I did need to tone it down a bit.

But then I remember the look on Dorion’s face as he dragged me across the floor, covered my mouth, cut my dress, and slid himself inside me.

The anger bubbles up enough that I overpower Geani and flip her back onto the pavement.

“But that STILL gives you no right to have me raped!” I scream at her. Suddenly, I’m feeling more anger toward her than I was when I first saw her. Probably because I’m replaying that moment over and over in my mind again and I can’t seem to erase it. “Tell me what the fuck is wrong with you! How did you know he’d do that?! Did you pay him to do that?!”

Geani starts to cry and stops fighting me. Her arms go limp under my hands and her eyes close as the tears fill her lashes and spill down over her cheeks.

“Because,” she says, sniffling. “He does it to me all the time. I wanted someone else to take it for once. And you were the one that deserved it in my eyes.”

Her sobs become louder and I release her arms, allowing her to wipe away some of the tears. She’s been dealing with Dorion this entire time?

“For how long?” I ask, sounding more stern than empathetic.

She looks up at me and I’m still refusing to get off of her.

“Months,” she admits. “Almost every weekend since I started at the club.”

“Why haven’t you said anything?” I ask, shaking my head.

“Why haven’t you?” she asks, sounding pissed off.

She has a point.

“So you had me raped, because why? Because you felt like I had too much spotlight? Because you felt like the health issues I’ve been having since I started haven’t been enough of a battle for me?”

I figured calling my inability to remember a life I’ve never lived fell under the category of health issues. And maybe she knows about Aiden and what we deal with when we visit him.

It’s hard to say.

“Because I was fucking jealous! Okay?” she yells at me, lifting her head from the pavement to increase the volume in her voice. She grunts as her head falls back down and lets out a big sigh. “My past boyfriends all dumped me because of that awesome trait I have. Though I…” she trails off, not finishing her thought.

“Though you what?” I press, needing to know where this conversation is leading.

“Though I never did to anyone what I did to you.” Her sobs return, but this time she covers her face.
