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Rosaline’s breath caught in her throat as she peaked, her movements gradually slowing down.

She opened her eyes, grinning down at Benedict.

“My turn.” He said smoothly.

In one fluid movement, he reversed their positions, hips rolling at a faster and faster pace until he spilled inside her with a bitten-off cry, slumping forward. Rosaline wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him down for another kiss.

As they began to breathe normally again, Rosaline had a strange out-of-body thought.

Perhaps this is why people are willing to have so many babies. Because they havethisto get the babies. It’s almost worth it.

Afterwards, the two of them sprawled on the divan, hot, sweaty, and not entirely through with each other, and sipped the wine they’d had the foresight to bring.

“That was marvelous.” Rosaline declared.

Benedict chuckled. “You say that a lot about this sort of thing.”

“Well, it’s true. Honestly, I can’t believe I haven’t tried it before.”

“Yes, yes, alright. Here, have a strawberry.” Benedict held out the fruit platter, and Rosaline took one. She chewed thoughtfully.

“I’m actually a bit peckish. I think it’s all that exercise we did.”

“Well, you were very energetic.”

“Do you think we might sneak downstairs to get some food?”

Benedict gave her a look. “Our clothes are crumpled on the floor, we are both naked, our hair is disarranged – yours looks like you’ve been dragged backwards through a bush, by the way – and it’s obvious to just about everyone what we’ve been doing. How exactly do you plan to sneak into our packed ballroom and steal refreshments, eh?”

Rosaline flushed. “Well, it does sound silly when you say it like that.”

“We would kill half of our guests from the shock.”

“Icould live with that.”

Benedict burst out laughing, leaning forward to kiss her. “You’re terrible.”

Rosaline wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’re a bad influence. This is your fault.”

“Isuppose it is.” Benedict murmured, kissing the side of her neck. “I suppose I will just have to take responsibility.”

Rosaline placed a hand on his cheek, tilting up his chin to press a kiss to his cheek.

“Idaresay you will.” she whispered, when they finally moved apart to breathe.

“Ilove you, Rosaline.” Benedict said, reaching up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. “The day you turned up as Cordelia Atwood was the day my life changed. I just can’t believe that I didn’t see at the time.”

Rosaline gave him a kiss on the forehead. “I can’t believe I melted the Duke of Ice.”

He snorted. “You’re tempered flame, my girl. I’d like to see the ice that could stand up to you.”

And so it was that when the Duke and Duchess of Keswick consummated their marriage, the guests downstairs were completely and utterly oblivious.

Perhaps that was for the best, after all.

The End
