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"That's a shame." Monica cradled the shuffled deck in her palm, her free hand hovering over it. "But there are different kinds of family, you know. The one you're born with might not always be the best one for you. I'm not insulting your parents, that's not my intent. I'm sure they mean well deep in their souls, and all I'm saying is that you shouldn't feel limited by your past."

I couldn't think of anything to say in response. Monica was a wise woman, but I'd need time to digest her comments. Another kind of family? I didn't know about that.

Monica patted my hand. "Relax, dear, there's nothing to worry about. I'll do a three-card spread."

She dealt three cards, laying them on the grass one by one from left to right, pausing between each card to explain it. The first card showed a woman seated on a throne, wearing flowing robes and a big crown.

"The High Priestess," Monica said. "She symbolizes the mystery of a future that hasn't yet been revealed as well as the wisdom, tenacity, and passion of the querent." With her head bowed, she moved only her eyes to glance up at me. "The querent is you, dear."

"I have wisdom?" A nervous laugh bubbled out of me. "Think you picked the wrong card."

She shook her head. "No, dear, the tarot never lies."

Monica dealt the second card, which featured a naked man and woman with a sun-being hovering above them. She studied it for a moment, then gave me that head-bowed look again, this time with a faint smile on her lips. "The Lovers. This card suggests attraction and obstacles overcome, but it also indicates choices must be made in a relationship and sacrifice may be required."

Was she trying to scare me away after all? I would not sacrifice Damian because of what a few dumb cards claimed to know.

She dealt the third and final card, which showed a compass and a strange humanoid creature plus a winged angel-like being and a bird. "The Wheel of Fortune. This means your destiny awaits if you choose to accept it."

"Does it happen to say what my destiny is?" Not that I believed in this crap, but I appreciated the beauty of the cards and Monica's interpretation of them.

"The tarot does not give specifics. All will be revealed at the appropriate moment."

"What if I don't notice when that happens?"

She smiled gently and touched my hand. "Trust yourself, dear. Be open to the possibilities, and when the time comes, you will understand."

I couldn't help smiling a little. "You really are good at this stuff. I can see where Damian gets it from. He's amazing at palm reading."

"Yes, he's always had a flair for it. Damian sometimes does tarot readings, but it's not his first choice." She held the Wheel of Fortune card out to me. "Keep this. Maybe it will remind you of the potential for happiness and keep you open to the possibilities."

I accepted the card, cradling it in my palm. "Thank you, Monica. I'm glad I got to meet you, and Adrian and Stefan too. I hope we'll see more of each other in the future."

"We will." She rose, offering a hand to help me up. She winked and smiled. "I foresee many future meetings for the two of us, dear."

"Looking forward to that." And I meant it. In the space of a few minutes, Monica Petrescu had made me feel better in ways I couldn't describe. Damian made me feel the best, but his mom had done something for me I couldn't even explain, not yet.

We headed for the driveway where the rest of the Petrescus, and Ollie and Mara, waited alongside a station wagon that served as a taxicab. The driver was shutting the rear door where I could see he'd stashed the family's luggage. It was time to say goodbye.

Damian's dad and brother hugged him, then they shook my hand to say goodbye. My honey hugged his sister-in-law too. But while Ollie and Mara wished the rest of the Petrescus a safe trip home, Damian's mom pulled him into a bear hug and whispered something to him. He looked slightly surprised by whatever she'd told him. She kissed his cheek and came over to me.

Monica hugged me.

I tried not to seem stunned. After the conversation we'd had earlier, I shouldn't have been surprised, I guessed. But I was.

She shocked me even more when she whispered, "You will make a fine addition to the Petrescu family."

Monica kissed my cheek and got into the taxi with her husband. Stefan and his wife climbed in too.

Damian slipped his hand into mine while we waved and watched the vehicle drive away.

Ollie slapped Damian's arm. "What did Mommy say, D-Man? Is she planning the wedding?"

"Shut up," Damian said with a smile. "Don't you need to go assistant-manage something?"

"Uh-huh. We'll leave you and Heidi to talk about…whatever."

Ollie and Mara left us.
