Page 59 of Lachlan in a Kilt

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"That's a strange thing to say to a woman you're trying to seduce."

A chuckle vibrates in my chest. "Told you, I only want to sleep together tonight." I rotate our joined hands so the warm tap water sluices over them, rinsing away the soap. "Besides, I've already seduced you."

She gazes at the water splashing over her hands with an almost lustful look on her face, making me wonder what she's imagining right now.

My attention falls to her breasts, and the familiar hunger flares to life again. "In the morning, I promise to ravish you with multiple orgasms. Tonight…"

I sweep her up into my arms and saunter out of the kitchen, through the living room, straight down the hallway to Erica's bedroom.

She raises her head, scrutinizing me. "How did you know where my bedroom is?"

"You mean because this is the first time you've invited me into your bedroom?" I set her down on her feet, and she wobbles on her high heels, though only for a second. I tuck a wild lock of hair behind her ear. "It was common logic, sweet. Your house has one hallway with two doors down it. One of those doors had to be your bedroom."

"Oh." She hunches her shoulders.

"Bit suspicious, aren't you?" I study her for a moment, wondering what in her past makes her paranoid now. I don't need to know. So I give up thinking about it and start undoing my tie. "Imagine you have your reasons."

I shed my tie and jacket, then begin to unbutton my shirt. After freeing the second button, I hesitate with my fingers on the third button and eye her clothing. "Are you planning to sleep in that dress?"

She blinks several times in quick succession but stays rooted in place with her arms hanging slack at her sides. Her jaw is slack too.

Is she staring at me because I'm undressing? It shouldn't be a shock.

"But, uh, y-y—" she stammers. "Are you going to, uh, keep your boxer shorts on or something?"

I tip my head to the side, my lips ticking up at the corners. "Last night I stripped us both naked and did wicked things to you for hours. Now you're shy about seeing the full monty?"

Still paralyzed, she chews on her lip. "Well, see, nudity feels kind of different tonight. We're not doing anything, and besides, last night you undressed me while I was blindfolded which is kind of different and—"

I surge forward to seal my mouth over hers and silence her havering. When she opens her mouth to me, I want to kiss her deeply—but that would lead to sex. Instead, I pull away, giving up her lips. "If you like, I'll handle the task of removing your dress from your supple little body myself." I bend to graze my lips down her throat while I trail my fingers down her arms. "Would ye like me to?"


I settle my hands on her hips and slide them around to the small of her back, then skate them up her spine until I can reach the zipper on her dress. She sucks in a breath when I tickle her bare skin with my fingertips. While I pull the zipper down in slow motion, I let my fingers flit over her flesh. Once I've exposed her entire back, I flatten my palms on her skin and tug her closer.

The warmth of her penetrates my shirt, and her natural scent teases my senses.

"Soft as silk," I purr into her ear, then I push my hands under the fabric to spread the dress wide.

I angle toward her slightly as I flick the straps off her shoulders. The dress tumbles down to pool around her feet. I take half a step back, raking my gaze over Erica's body and her bra and knickers, all that remains of her clothing. "Take off the rest."

My voice sounds rough even to my ears.

Erica shimmies out of her bra and knickers. When she kicks her shoes off, I find myself licking my lips like a beast about to pounce on his prey.

I get rid of my shirt, trousers, socks, and shoes faster than I ever have in my life, paying no mind to the clunks that ensue as everything I discard sails down to the floor or lands on a chair or the dresser. Now naked, I pause to catch my breath. Stripping at lightning speed takes a lot out of a bloke.

Erica's hand rises to her throat, and her fingers stroke her skin.

I want to be the one stroking her that way, everywhere on her body.

"To bed," I all but snarl.

She tosses the blanket and top sheet out of the way and drops onto her back on the bed, one arm bent above her head.

That pose, combined with the hungry look on her face, makes me need to shag her like mad. But I will not do that tonight. I might be a bastard for the way I've treated Erica so far, but I never renege on my word.

I crawl over her body on hands and knees, settling in beside her on my back. Then I tug the covers over us both. "Good night, Erica."
