Page 37 of Echo Power

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I can't tell what this building used to be, thanks to the damage from the apocalypse and the fact it seems to be a vacant structure. It doesn't look like a warehouse. The building was constructed with bricks. But it hardly matters what this place used to be. Today, it's a prison for me and Dax.

The golem has taken up a position in the street, right in front of this building. Through the shattered windows, I can see that hulking monster, and I know we won't get away unless we can take that thing down.

Yeah, sure. Piece of cake.

We're standing maybe twenty feet from the windows. No point in moving deeper into the building. We have nowhere to go. Rubble blocks the back of the structure, spilling down onto the concrete floor. I think I see the remnants of a countertop inside that mound of debris, so maybe this had been a store.

My palm feels warm. When I glance down, I realize Dax is still holding my hand. His palm is warming mine. Why does he want to hold hands? I guess it's an unconscious action, not a sign that he likes me. I'd be good with him just accepting that I'm not in league with the devil, aka Sefton Stainthorpe—his brother.

"How long do you think we'll have to wait?" I ask.

Dax grunts. "Until Sefton feels like showing himself."

A good, specific estimate.

The man I'd labeled a monster releases my hand, then shuffles up to the broken windows to peer out at the golem.

Dax might be a cretin a lot of the time, but he's not a monster. That thing outside is. The Echo creatures are too. But I think the man himself, Dr. Sefton Stainthorpe, might be the worst monster of all. I should've known, shouldn't I? Right, because alchemy and quantum physics inevitably lead to an apocalypse.

I come up beside Dax and gaze out at the monstrosity that guards us. The golem hasn't moved since it took up that position. Its eyes glow steady red. Just looking at the thing makes my skin crawl because it's a nightmare come to life.

Movement draws my attention to street level.

In a spot near the golem's left foot, the atmosphere begins to shimmer, the way hot air can do on a sultry summer's day. But it isn't that hot today. The darkness enveloping the world creates a cool, yet humid, atmosphere. A pinpoint of what looks like sunshine pierces the shimmering air, the light telescoping out until it fills the oval area.

A figure steps through the opening.

It's a portal. From where, I have no clue.

The figure walks toward the building, limping slightly, and the portal winks out of existence.

Sefton Stainthorpe enters the building and halts just inside the doorway. "Good morning. Or is it evening? It's hard to tell today, isn't it?"

He wears a suit with no tie and speaks in a casual tone, like we're all meeting here for lunch.

Dax lunges for his brother, snarling like a wild animal. But when he gets inches away from Sefton, he's thrown backward by an invisible force.

Sefton shakes his head. "Did you think I wouldn't anticipate your reaction? Though, honestly, I think you should be grateful for what I've done. You are now powerful and fearsome."

"Grateful?" Dax snarls. "Your botched magic turned me into a freak. I had no choice."

His brother chuckles. "Botched?"

Dax looks like he might try again to throttle his brother. I need to change the subject. "Where have you been living? The address you gave me was bogus."

"Of course it was." He brushes his hands over his pants and shirt as if he's removing filth. "I dislike visiting any city, but my calculations required me to start the transmutation here. Fortunately, I was able to travel back and forth as needed via portals, rather than living in this place. I prefer England."

"That's, um, interesting."

"All will become clear, eventually." Sefton scuffles toward me, but his brother steps between us. "Really, Dax, it's hopeless. I have more power than any living thing on earth. You needn't worry, though. I have no intention of harming either of you today. In fact, you are both essential to my plans."

I step sideways to get around Dax. "What is your plan, Dr. Stainthorpe?"

His gaze jerks to me. "I told you to call me Sefton."

Could that be a touch of annoyance in his voice? When I'd first met him, he seemed like the kind of guy who would never raise his voice, the kind who was always polite and opened doors for women. Now it turns out he's a lunatic. If I could be that wrong about Sefton, maybe I've been wrong about Dax too. But is he better or worse than I believed?
