Page 82 of Echo Power

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"Even if she does have powers," I say, "she needs to hide for her own protection. We don't have time to figure out what kind of magic skills she has."

"I suppose you're right." Dax walks up to Grant. "Are you sure you want to do this with us? It's quite likely we will die."

"I lost my wife and son in the first wave. Got nothing left to lose."

And Willow lost her parents. Dax's parents passed away years ago, and so did mine. We're all orphans in one way or another, but we've found a new family here in the middle of an apocalypse.

We will live or die together.

"Slight problem with the plan, though," Grant says. "We don't have any weapons. I doubt fists and teeth will do the trick with those creatures."

"There are weapons downstairs," I tell him. "Swords and knives, mostly. I did see a couple cricket bats in a closet too."

Dax bars his arms over his chest. "We need to get downstairs before we can even try to retrieve weapons."

"You'll have an opening soon." I glance at the clock on the bedside table. "Sefton said he'd be back by one o'clock, and that's only fifteen minutes away. You guys should hide."

"I will not hide. If my brother means to assault you, he will need to get through me first."

"That's sweet, Dax, but I need you and Grant to get those weapons."

He sharpens his gaze on me and virtually growls his words. "You are not to be alone with Sefton."

"Oh, you mean like I have been while you were gone. I can handle myself. You know that." Because he taught me how to defend myself. I know I can't beat the Echo creatures, but I have the skills to stop Sefton from assaulting me. "We don't have time to argue about this. Promise me you will do what I ask."

I watch him grinding his teeth while his shoulders bunch up and his nostrils flare. Yeah, he hates my plan. But it's all we've got, and the only way to stop the final phase of Sefton's global transmutation is to take life-threatening risks. Dax may not like it, but he understands we have no other options.

He slumps his shoulders. "All right. We'll do this your way."

"Good." I turn to Willow. "Sweetie, please go hide. I need to know you're safe while this goes down."

"Is anybody safe anymore?"

The answer is no, of course. "Please do this for me. Please."

She chews on her lip, eyes glistening as if she might cry. But she sucks in a breath and squares her shoulders. "Okay. I'll hide."

I give her a quick, firm hug. "Thank you."

"Where do you want me to go?"

"The three of you should fit inside that huge closet over there."

Grant and Willow head for the walk-in closet, but Dax does not move. He stares at me, though he no longer seems annoyed. I know he's been scared, not angry, but growling at me is how he shows his concern. Now, he stares at me in a different way, one that makes me stride up to him, boost myself up on my toes, and meet his gaze head-on.

I lay my hands on his chest. "I need you to believe we can do this, because if you don't, everything will fall apart. Our connection, to Tria Prima and to each other, is the only chance we've got. Do you trust me enough to believe we can get this done?"

"Of course I trust you." He pulls me close, and I swear his lower lip trembles the tiniest bit. "I've never trusted anyone more."

"I trust you too, with all my heart and soul."

He presses his lips to mine, holding that sweet kiss for several seconds. Then he takes a step backward. "I will never let you down."

Dax walks into the closet and shuts the door.

The rest is up to me.

I try to psych myself up with a mental pep talk, but I know nothing can prepare me for what's to come.
