Page 89 of Echo Power

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"And I do too."

We wander back to the bonfire and share our news with everyone. I cry. Willow cries. Even Dax gets a little choked up. This will be the first baby born in our new community.

That night, we make love in our tent, slowly, sensually, celebrating our impending parenthood the best way we know how. Willow has her own tent, as any teenage girl should. That means Dax and I can spend all night reveling in the love that saved us both and made this baby.

A month later, a newcomer arrives. The raven-haired beauty catches Grant's eye, though he won't admit to that. So he does what any red-blooded man would. He ignores her. I know Grant can't admit he's attracted to Erin yet, not until he has more distance from the loss of his family. That might take years. Of course, the pace of life during the Echo has changed things for everyone. Time seems more precious, every day more meaningful.

Dax and I have become the unofficial leaders of this ragtag group. Everyone expects us to have a plan to undo the apocalypse, but we are not experts on the topic. Not long after we settled here, Grant asked if he could study the alchemical manuscripts Sefton had stolen from the Getty Institute and that Dax had rescued from Fallenmouth before the Echo ravaged it. Grant isn't a scientist or a philosopher, but he has become engrossed in understanding those books.

One day, we will find a way to restore the world. I believe that. I feel the truth of it. Someone in our community is destined to uncover the secrets of the Echo. Will it be Grant? Who knows. But it will happen.

If a beastly man from the Echo can win the heart of a librarian, anything is possible.
