Page 21 of Hot Aussie Night

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Flirting with your fiancée.

“Name it,” he confirmed, his gaze holding hers.

“Hmm…” Was he leaning a little closer to her? What would he do if she leant a little closer to him? “A cuddle?”

He drew in a swift breath.

“With a koala,” she finished, unable to hide her grin.

He chuckled, and yes, he was definitely leaning closer to her. “And here I was thinking I was going to get lucky.”

“Hmm, you never know,” she said, not hiding her smile.

His eyes twinkled. “Are we flirting right now?”

“I think we are,” she murmured. “But I’m not sure. I’m not good at flirting.”

He drew a fraction closer still. Close enough his body heat kissed her. “I think you’reamazingat flirting.”

She swallowed, looking up at him. Craving…something… “I am?”

“You are.” He dipped his head in a single nod. “With me.”

“With you,” she agreed.

Kiss him. He’s right there. He’s flirting with you. Kiss him!

He held her gaze, his body heat drawing her to him, even ashedrew closer to her.

Dio, she wanted to kiss him. To be kissed by him. His lips were beautiful, slightly parted. Waiting for hers. All she needed to do was rise up on her tip toes and—

What if he recoils? What if he pulls away? What if you’re reading it all wrong? What if he’s all doing this just to throw off Nora? What if—

She stepped back. Almost a jerking stumble.

Angus blinked, jolting upright, his hand plunging into the front pockets of his suit pants as he took a step back and looked out over the harbor. “Sorry. Sorry.”

A knot twisted in Elisa’s chest. She licked her lips, turning away to grab at the rail. The steel cooled her palms, almost mocking the flushed heat prickling through her. “I like your restaurant.”

“I can take you to hug a koala,” he said at the exact same time.

They laughed. Also at the same time. The knot in her chest relaxed. A little.

Closing her eyes, she pulled in a slow breath.I can feel the breeze, I can smell the salt water, I can hear the boats…She needed to ground herself.

“Thank you,” he said beside her, his voice low and warm and friendly.

She opened her eyes, giving him a quick glance.I can see a gorgeous Aussie…“For suddenly becoming engaged to you?”

His chuckle loosened the knot in his chest even more. “For saying you like my restaurant. But also for that.”

She let out her own soft laugh. “Ah, I see. You’re welcome.”

“Whydidyou suddenly become my fiancée?”

The knot came back. She swallowed.

“Not that I’m complaining.” He rested his elbows on the steel railing, his body loose and relaxed and too damn sexy. “It’s just not the kind of thing that happens. To me.”
