Page 23 of Hot Aussie Night

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His warm breath fanned her lips. “Deal.”

Someone behind them cleared their throat. They both jumped, and Elisa yelped.

“Sorry to interrupt, boss,” Kara said.

“What the—?” Angus ground out, swinging raised eyebrows to his sous chef. “We really need to have a word about your timing, Kara.”

Kara flicked Elisa an apologetic smile and then turned her attention back to Angus, extending her phone toward him. “I think you should see this.”

Angus took it from her, and Elisa realized how much she already missed his arms being around her. Was this what it had been like for Bria? Falling in love at first sight with Owen?

Dio, woman. Stop being so ridiculous. It’s a kiss. A good one, averygood one, the best one you’ve ever had, but only a kiss.

“Jesus bloody Christ,” Angus muttered.

The agitation in his voice made her frown. She bit her lip as he clawed a hand through his shaggy hair, his stare locked on Kara’s phone.

“I have no justifiable reason,” Kara said, “but my gut tells me Nora is behind this.”

Elisa’s frown deepened. Behind what? Would it be rude if she looked at Kara’s phone as well? To see what they were talking about?

Angus lifted his head, scanning the distance of water on the other side of the railing. “You think she somehow contacted Chelsea?”

Elisa’s stomach clenched. Who the hell was Chelsea?

Kara shrugged. “Maybe. It’s a dick move, but I think she’s capable.”

“What’s going on?” Elisa asked. Why was Angus so angry?

Anxiety bit into her. Hadshecaused this? Him being angry?

“Fuck,” Angus growled, a muscle in his jaw knotting. “Now I’ve gotta…” He dragged his hands through his hair and let out a sigh.

“I…I should go inside,” she mumbled. A fuzzy roar began in her ears. Her throat closed, a hot lump filling it. Her breath grew short. She swallowed. Her mouth was so dry.

“Damn it,” Angus muttered, his voice distance. Like he was a mile away. “What am I going to tell Chelsea?”

She squeezed her eyes shut, taking another step backward. She didn’t want… She didn’t want to be here… She wanted…

Her stomach knotted. Her head began to swim.

She had to get out of here. She had to…to…to not be seen. She had to not be here. She had to be away.

Away. Where no one was. Where no one could see her and judge her and laugh at her and mock her and…and…

She hurried away, cheeks hot. Heavy pressure clamped down on her chest, her temples. Because of her, things had gone badly for Angus. She thought she was saving him, helping him out, but instead she’d made things—

“Hey?” A gentle hand curled around her fingers just as she moved into the dining area from the deck, halting her. “Lis?”

She turned, panic crushing her, and frowned up at Angus.

Were people looking at her? At them? Were they wondering what was going on? What she’d done?

“Hey,” he said again, softer this time as he squeezed her fingers. “It’s okay.”

She flinched.

He sucked in a short breath. ”Sorry, I didn’t mean…” He stopped, dropping his gaze to where his fingers hooked hers. A battle she didn’t understand warred in his face, and he dropped her hand. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to grab you,” he almost whispered, looking up at her as he took a step backward. “Or scare you.”
