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Nine centuries of celibacy was a bitch, and it had hit me even harder when I’d watched part of the Archangel and his mate’s scorching hot coupling. The Archangel had thrust his large cock so forcefully, yet tenderly into his mate. It’d had me full of envy and enraged for days.

“My name is Iokul, as I first introduced myself. I’m one of the three dragon princes who came on this trip. You saw my brothers when you slept atop of our ship. How long were you there, watching us? I was disappointed in my brothers that they didn’t even scent you while you smelled so good. What’s your second question, lass?”

I tilted my head to look at him. He was shamelessly flirting with me. He gave me another playful smile and wrapped an arm around me tighter, as if afraid that I would run away again.

I had no intention to run, at least not yet.

My naked body pressed against his armored one. Neither of us seemed to pay much attention to anything except each other and our mingled breath. Neither of us wanted to move one inch away from each other. While the pull tugged me to him more aggressively, I resisted it, despite my body rebelling against my will. I needed to get some answers now, or I would never get them.

Pushing down the desire that assaulted me like fire hail was one of the hardest things I had to do, but if I didn’t take the hard path, there wouldn’t be a path for me.

He inhaled my scent again and I could tell how badly he wanted to bury his masked face in my shoulder to get more. I brushed the diamond stud in his earlobe and he shivered in pleasure.

“More answers?” I breathed out.

“Right, you asked me how I got here,” he said, his voice deep and flirty, which made my skin tingle with desire. “I remembered your scent and traced it here, but it wasn’t easy. It took me a while. At some point, I lost your scent, but I managed it in the end. I was lucky.”

Luck didn’t exist on Pandemonium, neither did coincidence.

“You have ice magic. You disguised your scent,” I said.

Fleeting astonishment flashed in his eyes, and through the reflection of my eyes in his, I spotted a small teasing and defiant fire dancing in my eyes, which said,I’m not all that naïve and defenseless, so do not lie or play games with me.

“I’m an ice dragon,” he said. “Ice is my magic, but I have access to only the iceberg of my magic.”

“Why?” I demanded. “I’d like you to take off your mask. I can’t accompany a stranger to his ship.”

I was testing Iokul. The fire Dragon Prince had said he couldn’t remove the mask. I wanted to know if any of them lied to me.

His smile dropped. His eyes darkened to gunmetal gray, fury and despair brewing in them.

“I can’t,” he said. “We—all my brothers—were cursed with wearing it.”

Something about him—his curse and his honesty—hammered into my chest, and my heart bled for him.

He hadn’t tried to deceive me. He’d revealed his name, his dragon nature, and his curse. He wasn’t an inexperienced, adolescent dragon. I’d seen how he’d interacted with his brothers and the dragon guards, and how they’d reacted to him. He actually seemed to be the most untouched, complex warrior in his team. Yet he chose to trust me, as if he already knew about me.

And I felt the unseen tie between us, like magic.

I kept my cool gaze on him, though I bet he saw my white-hot passion boiling beneath.

He studied me. “I’m contradictory,” he said, “but I’ve never acted like this before, throwing caution to the wind and showing you my belly when I barely know you. If I hadn’t scented you and known who you are, I’d have thought you bewitched me and would take certain actions against you.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Scent me? What scent?” My heart raced like the wild wind. Had he realized who I was?

“You smell like home and sky,” he murmured, his eyes returning to silver and filling with pure male desire.

The liquid fire that had been licking between my legs ravished my tender, aching flesh.

I didn’t know who made the first move, but our lips crashed so hard that I hit his teeth. He immediately adjusted and softened the impact.

His lips, formerly cold, probably as the ice dragon should have been, warmed up instantly. His mouth enveloped me, and he devoured me as if he had the luxury of all the time in the world. He didn’t push. He didn’t rush, but savored me, and at the same time showed me pleasure as if I deserved it all.

Slow burn. That’s what was happening.

It was as if snowflakes had started falling on my lips and melted at my warmth.

I heard a magical bell chiming in the distance and the cursed inner scales in me fell off me one by one.
