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I might not survive the damn drones, and here I was, issuing an imaginary threat.

My black fire and claws couldn’t do much to the flying blades custom-made to cut through my flesh. In my great desperation, I flew toward the dragons’ ship by the gray sea.

The dragon shifters had once shot the missiles that had meant to blast me to oblivion. Maybe they’d do the same for me again, just to slay me themselves. It was better to die by their hands than to be slaughtered by the meat cutters.

We were losing blood, and the bleeding was slowing us down significantly.

Three drones caught up with me and sliced through my left wing along the ridge.

Shrieking in pain and rage and fear, we plunged toward the ground at the verge of the jungle some distance from the dragons’ ship. When my blurred vision noticed another camp of hunters down there, it was already too late.

We had no strength to pull up.

We were done.

We crashed to the ground, waiting for the coming drones to mutilate us, or the hunters to behead us neatly if the drones didn’t complete the job.

My last sight was a pair of piercing sapphire eyes staring at me.

“Shoot down the fucking drones!” the owner of those gorgeous eyes shouted.

A blast of light streaked by me. I felt its white-hot heat, yet it didn’t singe me.

I collapsed right in front of the prince who wore the mask of a symbol of a lightning and thunder dragon.

The drones tumbled to the ground, followed by sharp sound of explosions. Then it was deathly quiet except for my labored breathing.

The lightning prince handed a man a blast gun that still sparked the remnant of light and fire after it had destroyed the drones. He stalked toward me with measured steps, a fine black blade in his left armored hand, a shield in his right that was meant to block my black fire if I still had any left.

Four of his warriors took the same stance as him, flanking him in purpose.

Right, they were going to cut my three heads together.

Should I go down with pride?

Yet, there was no pride or honor in death, was there?

“Don’t hurt them,” the prince said. “Not yet.”

He stopped a foot before me.

Pain drenched me, but I regarded him coolly, silently.

The giant warrior had a powerful body and long legs. His skin was delicious light brown. His dark brown hair spiked up in a military fashion but with style.

He was staggeringly hot, like his two brothers. This prince was neither ice nor fire but carried a storm. He was the lightning striking deep water and the thunder rolling across the mountains. My metaphors didn’t make sense even to me, but I was dying.

I would never have a chance to kiss this one. I was going to die at his hand.

I let out a pained huff at my misfortune and the hurt all over my damaged body.

Gathering my calm thoughts, I trained my focus on him again.

Wasn’t he the luckiest man? He didn’t even need to lift a finger. His prize had fallen right in front of him from the sky.

“The lucky star has finally shone upon us, Prince Rai!” a nose-ringed warrior I’d met earlier voiced my exact thought.

“His Highness has foresight,” said another man excitedly. “We camped at the right place and the Fury beasts fell at our feet! Among all the people, our prince will return with the Furies’ heads and inherit the Dragon Realm!”
