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To my surprise, there wasn’t any.

The dragon prince only cursed, “Star shit!”

The inevitable was happening right in front of two gorgeous guys, thanks to the half-Fae mage. Yet he didn’t seem to take pleasure in my dilemma, or humiliation. He didn’t show much sympathy either. There was only cold fury and steel in his darkened blue eyes, not at me, or Blaze.

I had no mind to figure out the true object of his wrath as shards of agony rammed into me. My bones started bending and reshaping, my spine snapping and spiraling out, my skin and muscles and tissue stretching from my Fae form to a vast, beastly body.

I shrieked from the terrible pain, tears forming in my bulged eyes. Unlike when I could shift to a dragon painlessly and instantly before I’d been cursed, my every cell was filled with excruciating pain. Even after centuries, the agony never lessened during each change.

Yet I knew the worst was yet to come.

“Don’t fight the pain, Daisy,” Elvey whispered.

That was fucking easy for him to say. My slender fingers thickened and extended to become claws. Maybe I should swat him with them and maul his perfect, handsome face, then he would know how not to fight the pain.

“That’s lousy advice!” Blaze said through his clenched teeth, as if my pain was his. “How can anyone not fight pain? She’s suffering greatly!”

“Let pain take over,” Elvey said, his cool hand touching my face. “Let it walk through you. You must have gone through it thousands of times and more. What else could it do to you? Sneer at it if you have to. Welcome it with mockery, but don’t give it an inch.”

I had never tried his ridiculous method, but then I had never been a stubborn person. Besides, I believed his touch took some of my pain into him, since his face distorted for a second.

I let the remnant of pain pass through me, and the blinding pain receded, until two other Furies tore through me with the force to cleave my soul.

I screamed at the tearing pain, then it was over.

Panting, three of us crouched between Elvey and Blaze.

A new scent wafted toward me, and I noticed that I had more guests.

Iokul, the ice dragon, and Rai, the lightning dragon, stepped in. They’d watched my change while I’d been distracted by my blinding pain.

They stared at me, their swords tightening in their hands, as I, in my Fury form now, stared back.

Elvey watched them, his pose relaxed, his sword nowhere in sight. But that couldn’t fool me, as I smelled the thick scent of his magic tighter than a whip.

He would defend me if the dragons attacked.

Blaze moved and stepped before three of us Furies and glared at his brothers. “You’ll not harm her—them.”

Both ice and lightning dragons growled. “Why do you think we would harm her?”

Blaze’s gaze fell on their swords.

Rai immediately sheathed his blade across his shoulder.

“What about him?” Iokul pointed his sword at Elvey.

Elvey pulled his lips back with an inviting grin.

“We fought already,” Blaze said. “It’s a tie. Don’t mind him. He enjoys annoying people. Let’s pretend he doesn’t exist.”

Elvey arched an eyebrow. “But I do exist.”

“Isn’t he the lord of the demons?” Iokul demanded.

“There it goes again,” Elvey sighed. “I really hate having to introduce myself repeatedly.”

And I really didn’t like having to face everyone with my Fury forms. Perhaps I could sneak away while they argued.
