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“Who hurt her?” Blaze asked, rage in his voice.

“The hunters’ drones,” Rai said. “They nearly killed her.”

Blaze cursed, and Iokul roved his examining eyes over me to see if I was still wounded.

“I didn’t know who you are before,” Rai said to me. “But I think I know now.”

“Know what?” Blaze asked hoarsely, moving closer to me, so Rai wouldn’t be the one to have my sole attention.

“I heard of the legend long ago,” Rai said. “Centuries before we were even born, a half-dragon, half-Fae princess vanished from the Dragon Realm without a trace. The whole realm searched for her, but to no avail. Even now, some dragons are still looking for her. They say the princess was cursed to be taken. Her name was DaisyDanaenyth.”

I could feel my eyes moistening, yet in my beastly form, I didn’t have tears.

Blaze sucked in a sharp breath. “The half-bred warlock called her DaisyDanaenyth. He knew about the princess, and he tried to bewitch her.”

“Over my dead body will I let Elvey have her,” Iokul hissed icy steam.

I snapped my head in his direction. He’d been quieter than the others.

We’d had hot sex, but we hadn’t finished it. His silver eyes had burned with controlled, cold rage even since he’d stepped in the chamber. I sensed his hurt and anger at my betrayal, as he had now guessed that I was also involved with all his brothers.

But I had never promised any of them anything. All I wanted was a kiss. Well, maybe more.

“What do we do now that we’ve discovered her true identity?” Blaze asked.

If Elvey hadn’t meddled, the dragon princes wouldn’t have discovered my secret. But Elvey had said I needed to work this out with them, which left another puzzle for me.

“Three Furies, one woman,” Rai said thoughtfully. “That’s probably her curse.”

“The old bastard King Daghda lied about who she was before he sent us here,” Blaze said. “He promised whoever takes the Furies’ heads will inheritDanaenyth dynasty.If we had known—”

“We know now,” Rai said. “She’s one of us, a dragon, and we’ll never slay our kin.”

Blaze scanned three of me and sighed. “Three Furies, one woman, as you said. I’d have hoped that there are three women instead, but there aren’t. I intend to court Daisy. If you two back down right now, I’d appreciate it.”

“Unfortunately, I won’t, brother,” Rai said. “When I first scented her, I already marked her as mine. She smelled like my mate as she smells now, and she’ll be my mate.”

“You smelled her wrong, Rai,” Blaze said fiercely. “She should be mine. When I first kissed her, my dragon recognized her as my mate.”

“Maybe the curse confused your sense of smell,” Rai retorted.

“You have the same curse, Rai,” Blaze barked back. “Maybe your nose misguided you.”

How long were they going to talk like this as if I weren’t even present? But since I needed to gather more information from them, I kept quiet. I could picture how they’d rivaled each other since they were children.

Both Rai and Blaze turned to Iokul now, waiting for him to announce he would bow out. One less competitor is better than nothing.

“Not a chance,” Iokul said, staying where he was to guard the door. “I might be ice-cold, but not with her. She made my blood run hotter than any fire, and no other woman could even stir anything in me before.”

His brothers gave him a scathing look.

I was dazed. They were fighting over me. A few days ago, they’d been competing to get to me to take off my heads.

“How did we even come to this?” Rai shook his head, his voice spitting disgust. “When did we become so pathetic? We’re brothers. We should have bonded with each other, but all we’ve done for nearly a century is to try to pull the rug out from under each other to gain more political power. We almost killed each other on several occasions. And now we’re going to fight over the same woman on a hostile planet, with an army of monsters, ruthless hunters, and demons breathing down our necks. We’ll finish ourselves soon before our enemies do it for us.”

A shamed looked flitted by Blaze’s golden eyes, but Iokul remained icy, untouched.

The benefit of having three forms and three pairs of eyes was that I didn’t miss any details.
