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“Daisy has refused to choose between us,” Rai said. “She can’t. She needs three mates, and all of us need to win her heart, which means we’ll have to share her love. If we prove ourselves worthy, then she’ll have all three of us.”

Blaze sighed, not too happily. “Maybe this is meant to be. Maybe the curses happened for a good reason. To chide us for our pettiness, arrogance, and menace.”

Rai clasped Blaze’s shoulder, then Iokul’s. “We’re brothers, flesh and blood, but we’ve fought each other for nearly a century. If we all agree to forge our bond and give our devotion to the same mate, we’ll never be divided by anyone or any force again.”

“And we’ll rule the same kingdom by our mate’s side,” Iokul whispered.

Rai pulled out his sword from the sheath in his shoulder. I stepped back involuntarily. He gave me an assured, gentle look. “Never harm you, Daisy,” he said fiercely. “Don’t be afraid of us.” He turned the blade toward his palm and sliced across it.

Blaze and Iokul immediately followed suit and cut their palms.

Three palms joined, and their brotherly blood meshed. Following that, three swords dripping with red blood crossed against each other in unison to declare they were one.

I was touched by their pledge to me, though not comforted much by their rush to action. What if they weren’t my true loves? Elvey’s image popped into my head. I’d felt strongly toward him just as I had toward the princes. So, who knew who my true loves were? And what if I gave the three dragons my love and their curses got lifted, yet mine remained since one of them, or all of them, were the false suitors?

When my future and freedom were at stake, how could I throw my lot in with them and make such a big commitment?

As a rule, I had to look after my own interest first, just as everyone did on Pandemonium.

“Well,” I said. “This is a good development. However, I reserve the right to kiss other men if you aren’t the ones I’m looking for.”

“Are you using the excuse so you can kiss the warlock when you have the chance to do so again?” Blaze demanded.

“She won’t get another chance,” Iokul said frostily. “We’ll take care of Elvey first.”

I hissed a stream of black fire, and the princes leaped back, not expecting that I also had a temper.

“You see what you’re doing?” Rai, the nicest dragon, snarled at them. “You aren’t helping to win Daisy over. You’re alienating her. Why should she tie to us before we prove ourselves to be worthy of her love?”

Blaze and Iokul dropped their gazes for a second and glared at each other.

“From this day forward, we need to think before we open our mouths,” Rai continued, his voice soft and lethal. “If we sabotage our relationship with Daisy, we’ll never get rid of our curses.”

Unless they reversed to slaying me, but I wouldn’t plant the ideas in their heads.

Blaze eyed me warily. “Relationships are hard. I know how to charge into battle and how to protect a lady, but this slow burn and sharing will take a lot out of me. I’ve never done this before. What if I screw up?”

“Then don’t screw up,” Rai said.

“Easy for you to say,” Blaze grunted, giving Rai a rueful glance. “Besides, I’ll have to work cordially with you and Iokul. I can stomach you once in a while, but Iokul and I are ice and fire.”

Iokul shrugged.

Rai ignored them and fixed his sole attention on me as if I was the only one that ever mattered, even though he’d just sworn a blood oath with his brothers. “Have you kissed all of my brothers, Daisy?”

Under all three pairs of scrutinizing eyes, I was suddenly shy, even in my current forms.

“Yes,” I said. “And I kissed a fair share of the hunters and a few of your men, just to be sure.”

They visibly repressed their growls.

“It’s understandable,” Rai sighed at last. “You have to do what’s needed to be done.”

My eager gaze darted to his lips. “But I haven’t kissed you, Prince Rai.”

He smiled, his gaze falling on my parted lips as well. “Call me Rai.” His thumb traced my scaled lips, and I gasped in pleasure.

Blaze scowled at Rai.
