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At this point, my patience had grown thin. It wasn’t like I could stay a Fae as long as I wanted. I was running out of time. If he didn’t act in the next minute, I’d just grab him and kiss him to get it over with.

I stepped toward him, and histemptingsapphire eyes brightened.

Rai pulled me into his arms and crushed me against his hard, warm chest. I let out a hitched breath at the sensation of being embraced by such a strong warrior. His minty breath made my skin tinkle with desire, and without another word, he slanted his mouth over mine.

It was gentle and light before it become heavy, deep, and demanding.

At his dominant urging, I parted my lips to receive him, and he thrust his tongue into my mouth, at first leisurely, then growing more possessive.

My tongue met his, and they entwined. Pleasure buzzed in my bloodstream.

I tasted lightning and thunder in him. I wanted to join him and fly high into his storm. He pressed me tighter against him even though there was no extra space between us, his fingers lacing into my hair and the heel of his palm anchoring the base of my skull.

Tiny shocks of pleasure rippled through me until heat rose in my belly and spread all over.

I forgot the whole world, except Rai, as I drank in his scent. He was the home I hadn’t visited for centuries.

I curved my arms around his neck, kissing him back with abandon.

We soared together, and the liquid fire twirled around the tender flesh between my thighs.

I moaned at the pleasure and whimpered at an urgent need—my pussy needed to be filled with his cock.

A low, hoarse grunt rumbled in Rai’s chest. I could sense the stir of his dragon, yet he couldn’t release it yet, not while we were all cursed.

But his dragon had awoken and wanted to be freed. It fought to come out to play.

I heard more growls and half-opened an eye.

There were two other dragons in the room, their nostrils flaring and their eyes filling with primal lust.

My pheromones had affected them, and they all wanted me desperately right this second.

Rai’s sapphire eyes glowed, and the next instant, he removed the cloak wrapped around my body, his hand cupping my heavy breast.

I arched my back, my breasts pressing hard into him, and I ground against his hard bulge. I didn’t catch how he had moved us while the unbridled lust rode me in full force—the next second, I was in the stream with him.

All the better, he was as naked as I.

A tattoo of a storm-gray dragon spitting lightning spread on his body. It was magnificent and beautiful. I was certain it was his dragon form.

I traced the dragon on his broad, muscled chest all the way to his hard abs with appreciation, and Rai let out a low, sexy groan.

“It reminds me of who I used to be,” he said, “so I’ll keep fighting until I dig out my enemy and get this curse off me.”

The easiest way for the dragon princes to rid of their curses and return to their glorious dragon form was to slay me, yet they’d all refused to take that route. Instead of being my hunters, they’d become my protectors.

I pressed against him, and his cock dug into my belly.

Would he fuck me in front of his brothers?

I hadn’t expected to go this far with all of them, but it had gotten out of control. Our lust was thick in every corner of the room, whipping through the air that we breathed in and out.

The mating frenzy had taken over all of us and raced in our bloodstream.

I moaned, my hand finding his hard cock. It was so big I believed I would need two hands. I half-wrapped his shaft and pumped its length up and down. My thumb flicked over the slit on its crown at every pass.

Rai groaned that harsh, male sound, his dark sapphire eyes heavy-lidded.
