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Deep guilt coated his eyes. He blamed himself.

The three of them had left their ships, venturing into the jungle to seek me out. While they had all gathered here, vying for my affection, Elvey had conveniently vanished. And when the princes had spent the night with me, the demons had planned the perfect attack.

Had Elvey had a hand in this?

My heart ached at the possibility, and rage fogged my mind. I’d sensed his protectiveness for me, but it was all a ruse.

A belt of vast dark rings shot out fromMistresstowardNew Hope, circling the dragons’ ship and bounding it.

The stench of black magic filled the air—it was so thick that my alter egos shrieked.

I snapped my head toward Blaze. “Jump! Order the crew to abandon the ship!”

Blaze’s eyes lit with pure gold. He’d sensed the peril and he shouted at them through the link.

But it was too late.

The black rings cut into the ship.New Hopebroke in two. But it didn’t go down alone.New Hoperammed intoFalling Skythat was closest to it,before plunging toward the junk spaceships in the arena on fire and pluming smoke.

The battle happened and ended very fast.

My two Furies watched it all.

Deafening sounds of ships colliding, breaking, and exploding sent shockwaves all over the City of Nine, rocking the Vampire and the Witch Towers. At the same time, the waves hit my jungle. I felt my ears bleeding.

My monsters bellowed.

My chamber quaked and rumbled.

A stab of pain pierced my chest.

If Iokul and Rai were both in the ship, they would have perished.

They had called me their mate and sworn to protect me, and I’d just gotten to know them.

I shrieked in fear, rage, and pain, until Blaze put his forehead against mine to calm me.

“My brothers haven’t reached the ship,” Blaze said, looking both relieved and grief-stricken. “Your cannibal plants delayed them. But the others—”

He didn’t need to spell it out. I understood his anguish. With destruction like that, his men, at least most of them, wouldn’t make it.

“Call your other Furies back, Daisy, please,” he said. “We can’t afford to lose you. Without my ship distracting them now, they’ll see you.”

I didn’t argue, and my Furies dove though the skylight and alighted beside me.

“The jungle is now our only shelter,” he said. “We need to learn how to survive here and defend it.”

“Leave it to me,” I said.

Blaze turned to focus on finding the survivors and instruct them to retreat into the jungle through his mind-link. I ordered my monsters to escort the dragon men to my chamber—the only shelter in the depth of jungle that was spacious enough to host a small army of soldiers.

I would use my glamour spell to conceal my place after the princes’ team got here. I had let it drop in the past few days in order to make it easier for my “true loves” to find me.

Then a dark comprehension hit me.

My glamour wouldn’t stop Elvey from finding my chamber. He hadn’t bothered to use the entrance last time.

He hadn’t wanted to harm me, but why had he destroyed the dragons’ ship? He could have cut Blaze in their last duel, and he hadn’t done that either. Furthermore, he’d hinted that he and the demons weren’t really on the same side.
