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It took me a while to convince my mates to let me go meet Elvey. I could just sneak out to see Elvey, but I didn’t want to go around them in secret.

We had a relationship now, all of us, and for this to work, there should be no lies between us.

“It’s necessary to meet with Elvey,” I told the princes. “We need to find out the demons’ next move. Second, we have no ship. And third, I believe Elvey knows about my curse.” I didn’t offer my final reason—I craved to see him.

Elvey’s condition for the meeting was that I came alone.

The dragon princes then counter-proposed that he came to my high chamber alone.

Elvey refused.

The dragon princes were firm that I would not meet the warlock anywhere outside the jungle.

Sybil flew back and forth between Elvey and me as our messenger, more than happy to test the strength of her new wing.

In the end, we settled the meeting place at the north fringe of the forest that was opposite of the demons’ ship. I could fly there in less than fifteen minutes at high speed, or have Phantom shift me, and distance was not a concern for Elvey, since he could teleport.

But I didn’t want to ask Phantom for a second favor.

When I flew across the forest to the north boundary, Elvey was already there, standing under the blossoms of a row of black trees.

On Pandemonium, there wasn’t a change of seasons. It was like autumn here all year long. Leaves didn’t fall heavily, and theblack blossoms stayed on the black trees forever. It was like we were in a darkly twisted magical land.

Even standing in the shade of the forest, Elvey looked stunning.

He wore a white shirt that stretched over his hard-muscled chest and a pair of black pants. I suddenly wondered how he would look in his nakedness before I scolded myself immediately. I had three of the hottest men devoted to me already. Why did I keep pining for Elvey? Was it because he was unattainable?

I frowned at myself.

I’d scouted this place the night before and left a white flowery robe on a high branch. As I changed to my Fae form in the air, I grabbed the robe, shrugged it on swiftly, and landed several yards before Elvey.

I took a moment to swallow the pain of my change, and Elvey gave me the moment.

“Daisy, you came,” he said softly, smiling at me. His eyes, both young and ancient, shone with delight at the sight of me.

As his gaze traveled up my body, I felt as giddy as a drunk, as if my every lungful of air was filled with the most delectable wine. My heart stuttered. Had he enchanted me?

I stopped inhaling for a few seconds, but the wine was already in my bloodstream.

He held out a hand toward me, and I strode eagerly toward him, wanting to touch him more than anything. The wind tousled his lavender curls, and he looked so fetching and harmless. His sexual appeal was harshly dangerous yet irresistible.

I realized just how much I wanted him, the air thick with my desire.

I believed that he knew it, too, since a smile danced like caressing fire in his bedroom eyes.

I stopped myself halfway as a faint warning chimed in my head.Once I took his hand, I might not have my own mind left.

How could I forget that I was facing a formidably powerful sorcerer, who might have made a career out of seducing females of all ranks?

And I remembered how his light touch had felt on my skin. Ever since he’d exited dramatically from my chamber, I’d been dreaming of having his kiss, even though I’d kissed all the princes and all their kisses were like they’d imprinted me.

Why did I always crave more?

It was like I had unwisely persuaded myself to overcompensate myself for the depravity of all those centuries.

Daisy, I warned myself sternly,don’t let your eyes wander. Don’t let your heart desire what’s not supposed to be yours. Do what you came here to do—get the information and get out.

“What do you want, Elvey?” I asked.
