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Fire erupted in my veins—the dragon fire—and joy coursed in my bloodstream. My dragon had finally awoken.

True love.Elvey was my true love! I’d sensed it. I’d felt such connection to him when I had first met him. Now, I was sure of it. The knowledge and the magic of knowing were in my blood, bones, and soul.

Then my heart sank a little. That meant one of the dragon princes wasn’t mine.

The exhilaration of finding Elvey and the bitterness at realizing that I’d have to let go of a dragon prince and break his heart blended into a twisted, conflicted emotion that I didn’t want to deal with now. I felt such happiness and sadness at the same time.

Elvey seemed not to want me to get distracted, and he wanted my complete attention. He thrust his tongue into me again, wildly, possessively, and demandingly.

Hotness burned right through me.

Fire traced the tender flesh between my thighs before leaping higher and hotter.

Urgent need echoed deep inside me.

It was the mating need—not just sex, but mating.

A moan tore through my throat.

My hips bucked toward Elvey, grinding against his huge bulge. I felt the heat on his skin and lips—a man’s desire, a Fae’s passion, and a demigod’s magical fire.

I knew who he was now, by tasting him and connecting to him, by him waking me up.

I had known him since the beginning, even before I was born. Elvey was a half-elemental Fae born so long ago that he was close to a primordial. And the ancients had once worshipped him as a god, like his father.

Elvey was the only of his kind left.

And he was my fated mate.

Heat, charged with mating fever, flooded my blood.

My nipples were so taut they ached, until Elvey’s hand, male and powerful, slipped into my robe to cup my breast and knead my flesh, one then the other, to release some pressure.

The heaviest pressure was inside my heated passage and only his cock could release it.

My clit had never been so heavy, full, and throbbing in need. My folds were wet and swollen.

I wanted,needed, his cock inside my pussy now.

“Elvey, I want—”

“Shush,” he murmured, his velvet voice thick with lust. “I know what you want. I want it more than you, more than the world, but it isn’t time.”

The jungle spun around me.

Was it shifting now? Did Phantom choose this time to play the prank with me? Akem loved nasty jokes, but Phantom was usually too somber for any joke.

I opened my eyes, and I wasn’t in the jungle anymore.

I glided in an open great hall of marble tiles, pillars of emerald, and arching ceilings that let the light shine in. Part of hall was modern and luxury, the other part merged seamlessly with a silvery forest.

The scent of faint blossoms and spring and sunlight floated to me.

Elvey wrapped his strong arms around me, dancing with me in the center of the hall without an audience. There wasn’t music in the room, but I heard flowing violins in my head.

Weren’t we kissing?

But I wasn’t disappointed in dancing either. I hadn’t danced for a long time. Yet I couldn’t remember why. Then I realized that I couldn’t remember anything from the past beyond this point. I shook my head. It didn’t matter—the past or the future mattered no more—as long as I had such a powerful, gorgeous man holding me, desiring me.
