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Then use it.

I tried to change to the Furies, but I forgot how. So, I bit my inner lip to conjure pain until it throbbed in my mouth, and my tongue tasted rich, rustic blood.

The sting cleared my mind for a moment. My potent blood rang with magic, prying away the glamour that clenched my consciousness like iron claws.

I threw my hands up and flung my light at the essence of evil where it was the darkest and thickest. Though I couldn’t see it, I could feel it. I didn’t know if it would work, but I prayed it would.

My light rippled out like a ring of fire.

The evil withdrew from the hall, faster than the arrow of shadow before my light crushed it.

It was gone.

My past, my suffering, and my hope rushed back to me.

I remembered everything.

I’d come to meet Elvey in my jungle, and then we’d kissed. I’d burned with lust for him. That was when he brought me to this realm that I didn’t even know if it was real. But he’d said it was our future.

I thought I could trust him, but he’d enthralled me.

I looked around the magnificent hall, while pain and rage coursed through me, diminishing the lust in my veins and the fog in my head.

Violin rose again, flowing in the air.

It was just Elvey and me in the hall half-enclosed by an enchanting forest.

Elvey spun me with a triple-twirl. “Everything is fine now,” he whispered in my ear. “We can stay here forever. We never need to go back. Your misery is in the past; the curse can’t touch you here. You can stay in this lovely form of yours forever, and this realm will be yours. You can have me for eternity, and I you. From this day on, I give you my fealty, and my existence is to cherish you and pleasure you beyond measure.”

I could hear the rest of his promises.

It would be like I’d never been cursed. It would be like I’d never suffered centuries of misery and scars. I could wipe them all clean by staying here with Elvey, and he’d give me everything I ever wanted.

But what about Rai, Blaze, and Iokul? They’d be stuck on Pandemonium. And what about Sybil, Henry, and the rest of my monsters, who I’d vowed never to abandon?

“They’ll understand,” Elvey coaxed, his voice velvet rich. “You need to take care of yourself first. And let me take care of you.”

Rage battered me. “Who do you think I am? I, Daisy Danaenyth, don’t take the coward’s way out! I do not erase my past, either, no matter how painful it was. And I’ll never leave behind those who I care about.”

As soon as I shoved Elvey away, I broke our connection.

I was instantly back in the jungle, exactly where I had been before. I hadn’t moved an inch, and Elvey had never come to me.

He stood a good seven yards away.

The whole scene of kissing him and dancing with him had happened only in my mind, but it had felt more real than anything. His delicious taste, intoxicating scent, and the scorching feel of his touch still lingered.

I licked my lips—they were full and aching.

He’d bewitched me, and if I hadn’t broken the spell, I’d have been his mindless slave. I had been a slave long enough, and I would be no one’s bitch again.

I’d shown my enemy my vulnerability.

I stared at Elvey, fire and ice storming in my eyes, and snarled, “How dare you!”

It would take time for me to change to my three Furies to toast him with my black fire and then bite him in two. I lunged at him and slammed my hands onto his chest with all I had. I might not have my Fury beast’s monstrous force, but my Fae strength was strong enough to break and kill an ordinary man.

I’d expected Elvey to block me, but he didn’t.
