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Iokul reached me first. The ice dragon hugged me to him. I was surprised. He had been the one who had mostly stayed behind and let his brothers get to me first. He was ice that had only burned when we’d fucked in the pool. Yet when he looked at me from afar and thought I wasn’t watching, I could always spot the smoldering heat in his eyes.

Blaze had mentioned casually that Iokul didn’t like people touching him, except for me.

He must have been really worried for me that he didn’t mind melting a little.

Iokul pressed his forehead on mine, and then he kissed my scaled lips, sending tiny tingling of pleasure over my skin.

His glacier burned just as hot as fire.

So far, all three dragon princes had kissed both of my Fury and Fae forms, yet I was still the Fury beasts.

The curse remained in me.

I closed my eyes as the comprehension shook me. When I had wrapped myself in Elvey’s illusion of kiss, my instinct had roared that he was my true mate. Even now I still felt the impact of that glamour kiss—haunting, deliciously addictive, and setting me on edge.

Part of me knew how the real kiss between us would be—it would be the death of fire. It would make me the moth throwing herself at the fatal flame to burn herself to dust.

The dragon princes’ kisses—no matter if they came from ice, fire, or thunder and lightning—had no disguise, but solidity and beautiful lust.

At the moment, I’d made my decision.

True loves or not—let them be damned.

I had no care if the dragon princes could break my curse or not.

Our bond had been forged, and that was what mattered.

If they would have me as what I was now—one hour a day in Fae form, the rest in my beastly forms—I’d be theirs.

“Hop on,” I told them.

They hesitated.

I rolled my eyes. “Come on,” I said. “We’ll reach my chamber faster. Plus, you don’t want me to travel alone.”

Hardly alone, actually, since I was three.


“We’re already in an unconventional relationship,” I said. “Riding on me isn’t going to make it better or worse. If you still object to it, that’s fine. I’ll just—”

Before I finished my words and flapped my wings to take off, Blaze mounted onto my back with a lithe leap, showing off his great skill. He pecked a kiss on my head.

Iokul sent him a withering look since he’d been the closest to me, but his brother had acted fast and had the main me to himself.

Rai and Iokul strode toward my alter egos.

We resumed our course. I’d never let anyone ride me before, and dragon princes were big and heavy. But we managed just fine and arrived at my chamber in less than a half hour.

“The demon captain Fomorian has issued a challenge,” I said, as soon as they were off my back, “a death duel between him and any of us in the old gladiator arena. The winner takes all. If we win, we’ll also take their ship.”

Rai nodded. “The only ship left that can take us off this planet. And if we lose, we’ll lose it all.”

“If we lose, they’ll want my head,” I said. “They want only my heads—all three of them. You and your men still have a chance to live.”

“Over my dead body will I let them have you,” Blaze said.

Iokul’s hand went for the hilt of his sword. “They’ll have to go through us to get to you.”
