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Both duelers wore armor that fit them like a second skin.

While I’d been trapped on this backwoods planet, technology and magic had upgraded in other worlds.

My gaze followed Iokul. He was a giant of a man, all muscles and fearsome strength, but the demon captain, who was at least eight feet tall, towered over him, especially with his long, black horns.

As they advanced toward each other, promising death, and nothing else, my heart pounded in my tightening Fury throat, and my claws were slick with sweat.

I hadn’t said a prayer to the universal God ever since I’d been whisked to this planet, but now I was saying it,God, wherever you are, preserve Iokul, and I won’t whimper about carrying my curse to eternity again. I’ll pay any price.

In the ring, Iokul and Fomorian didn’t exchange any words. They charged each other with their swords striking out, white blade against black.

The blades crossed each other, the sound piercing and ringing.

Both duelers had great footing and were equally fast.

They tore apart and lunged toward each other like two crashing waves. Fomorian sliced his black sword toward Iokul, intent on beheading Iokul with one swift swipe.

My claws sank into my thick palms. Blaze and Rai, on either side of me, tensed like a whip.

Iokul bent his head just as the enemy’s blade passed an inch from his neck. While he tumbled away, his sword whirled through the air, slashing though the demon’s armor and opening a gash on his leg.

Fomorian bellowed in rage as his black blood streamed out, his charcoal eyes turning blood red.

The dragon warriors around me roared their cheers, but the demons on the opposite of the arena shouted their insults at Iokul.

Fomorian lunged at Iokul with a sequence of combined jabs and hacks from different angles, faster than anything I had seen. Iokul was on the defensive now with the rapid attacks. He parried and ducked swiftly.

Fomorian brought down his dark blade toward Iokul, taking advantage of his towering height. Iokul spun away, but Fomorian had anticipated his move and chased to the spot where Iokul would be. The tip of the demon’s sword pierced through Iokul’s chest armor, but before the blade went further in, Iokul flew back and avoided the fatal strike. If he had been any slower, he’d have been impaled.

Only an extremely powerful dragon shifter could have that move, even though his dragon was caged.

Fomorian was broader and taller in size, but Iokul was more agile.

Just as I thought Iokul could use more evasive maneuvers and keep cutting the demon captain here and there to weaken him, Fomorian was already regenerating. He was healing faster than a dragon could.

Blaze cursed profusely.

Iokul had realized it. That was why he didn’t go for the small cuts. He was circling his opponent with all sorts of tests to find the demon’s weakness to deliver a fatal thrust toward our enemy.

Iokul lunged and withdrew, thrust and jabbed, as if poking a big bug.

Then he focused on dodging Fomorian’s sword overhead and kept attacking the demon below his waist. Slashing and slicing. It was as if his very intention was to cut Fomorian’s leg to disable him.

They jabbed and blocked. Lunged and withdrew. Their eyes, silver against red, never left each other’s. Iokul fought silently, but Fomorian snarled like a wild animal.

Iokul whistled and whirled his sword in the air to insult and lure the demon captain to come to him. Just when Fomorian reached his side in a flash, his black sword swinging sideways to cut Iokul in half from the chest, Iokul leveled his sword and pushed it forward to show his might instead of sliding aside.

The white steel clashed against the black sword, and both blades vibrated.

If I had foreseen that my mate would duel a demon today, I would have demanded the Archangel leave his angelblade as an extra payment to me. The angelblade was the most lethal sword in the whole universe, and the Archangel would have given me the sword since he’d do anything to get his mate out of this planet.

The duelers broke apart, but not before Iokul kicked Fomorian on the knee with a breaking force.

Fomorian staggered half a step back, and Iokul spun in the air, his sword swinging toward his foe’s neck. Fomorian lowered his head and blocked the blade with his horns, sparks of fire bouncing off them before a trail of smoke emitted from them.

The smoke wafted toward Iokul’s face faster than the wind.

“Foul magic!”I shrieked.
