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The warriors charged the ocean again, only to be thrown out. Blood poured from their noses, and I knew that if they kept trying, they would die.

“Stop!” I ordered the soldiers. “Wait here until I return. Find a way to survive in Sihde, and my mates and I will do the same.”

“My queen, we’ll wait right here for your safe return,” Rosalinda said, tears in her eyes. “No matter how long.”

“We’ll figure out a way to bring down the ward,” Zembyr said, as he slashed at the waves to no avail. Fear and steel burned in his dark-green eyes. He was remembering the day my mother had been slaughtered.

“We’ll return,” I said.

Henry howled, and Sybil chirped frantically.

Calm,I told them,and wait for me.


Red vines twined around the black pillars.

It seemed that red and black was Tianna’s theme—they represented violence and death.

The high ceiling was etched with Fae porn in graphic detail. It disturbed me as I noticed some of the images depicted rape and sadism.

Iokul had also seen it, disgust and rage twisting his masked face.

I’d thrown myself into his arms when we’d reunited. He’d pulled me so tightly against his chest while his brothers clasped him in the shoulders in comfort.

We’d broken apart quickly, for this wasn’t time and place to get emotional. Rai and Blaze scanned the area for any immediate threats while Iokul and I tried to get hold of ourselves.

I averted my gaze from the ceiling and vowed that if this was all dark Fae was about, I’d change it. I’d tear their culture apart. I’d expel every evil from this land as well, as I’d done for my dynasty.

I would start with Tianna.

I strode toward the throne hall, my mates flanking me, their hands close to their weapons. Two of them would shift to dragons as soon as an attack came, as we had planned.

No one announced our entry as we stepped into the throne room.

The hall was a different version from what Elvey had once showed me when he’d taken me to the world of glamour. We’d danced on the marble floor amid pillars of emeralds. We’d looked out at the silver forest through the windows; the light had shone through the golden ceiling.

In that world, Elvey had picked a pale green gown for me with a low cut that showed off the tops of my creamy breasts. He’d also put a diamond and silver crown atop my head. I hadn’t known then that I was the true heir to Sihde.

I’d forgotten my curse and the whole universe when I’d waltzed in his arms.

Where is Elvey?

My heart rammed into my rib cage at my fear that something had happened to him, and my throat scorched with the dread.

Rai held my hand, lending me his strength. “Whatever happens, we’re all in this together,” he whispered in my ear, his warm breath feathering my skin. I curled my fingers around his.

Dark blossoms draped down through high windows, scenting the air with gardenia, hyacinth, lime, and rose.

Blaze sniffed.It smells too sweet,he said in my head with a frown in his voice.

It smells rotten, like blood and corpses, I said.Dark magic is at full play here.

I only smell a sickly sweet scent. Iokul offered his insight.

Rai nodded gravely.

The deeper we pushed into the dark queen’s high court, the stronger the smell of decay became.
