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And where was he? If he were here, I would feel him.

My mates and I kept marching, my focus glued to the dark queen, while my mates took in the whole court, looking for threats.

We were nearly close enough to Tianna to attack her.

Should I make a move and kill her by surprise? My fingers twitched as I tested my White Light. One fatal strike and I might be able to end her.

But what if my magic didn’t come out and I only gave my enemy an excuse to execute me for my act of genocide? I had no idea how powerful she was, and if I made a wrong move, not only my life would be forfeit, but my mates’ as well. And Elvey and the others who depended on me would never be free.

Kill her name before you kill her, a voice seemed to speak to me. Just like how I had handled her pawn—the black witch Lysandra.

When we were ten yards away from the usurper’s throne, three guards in red armor stepped toward us, blocking our path. They looked alike. Each of them had shoulder-length blond hair and cold, lime-green eyes.

The one in the center raised his sword, sharp tip skyward before turning to us. “Advance no further, dragons.”

Their faces were expressionless, but I could tell these men enjoyed extinguishing lives. Their every muscle spelled cruelty and violence. Their hands gripped the hilts of their swords that jutted out of the sheath at their waists. I’d bet that they’d very much prefer it if my mates challenged them.

We didn’t take the bait but stopped in our tracks. There was no point in getting in a fight with some pawns, though I had no intention of following their court etiquettes.

I could feel the dark queen’s eyes boring into me from behind her veil, the same pair of piercing eyes that had peeked out at me through those of the demon captain and the black witch.

It was the eyes of death and destruction.

A chill sliced up my spine. The hair on my neck stood up.

My mates pressed closer to me, shielding me.

I held the queen’s stare.

“Kneel before Her Majesty, dragons,” the lead guard ordered haughtily.

Rai glowered, Blaze’s nostrils flared with sparks of fire, and icy steam emitted from behind Iokul’s white metal mask. They didn’t even look at the lead guard, as if he was but an annoying bug. Their murderous stares focused on the usurper queen, just as mine did.

“I’m Daisy Danaenyth,” I announced with a clear voice to ascertain that every Fae in the court heard. “Daughter to Zuzana, and the rightful queen to Sihde and the Danaenyth dynasty. I reclaimed the Dragon Realm, and I’ve come to take back Sihde.”

The court gasped, and Tianna’s guards snarled.

“I and my consorts,” I continued without missing a beat, “King Rai, King Blaze, and King Iokul to the Danaenyth dynasty, heirs to the Oslan Dominion, also the rightful kings to Sihde, bow and kneel to no one. And you shall all bow and kneel to us.”

More rasped gasps came from the court. For centuries, no one had ever challenged the dark Fae queen, except my grandfather, who had sent a few assassins to Sihde to kill her. But he had failed.

“As our queen mate said, we fucking bow and kneel to no one,” Rai said.

“We come to take back what belongs to the true queen of Sihde—Queen Daisy Danaenyth,” Iokul pronounced.

“And to remove the usurper Tianna from the fucking throne that’s not hers!” Blaze shouted, a trail of fire emitting out of his nostrils.

We were nearly at attacking range. We had a chance to take Tianna out. And we’d just publicly renounced her.

“Not even bow to me?” asked a familiar, musical, and warm voice.

Tianna lifted her veil.

I froze as I stared at the brilliant blue eyes that shifted colors like mine on the lovely face.

My mother’s face smiled at me with doting love.

The court dared not breathe this time. They’d all known my mother, the heir who should have been the queen.
